Chapter 29

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Sorry for the late update guys - I lost wifi at my house and my school has a proxy that prevents me from getting on Wattpad. I have wifi again though!!! So yay!

"Then, Professor McGonagall confronted Umbridge!" Ron was telling Siera,  George, and Fred of the latest gossip in Hogwarts.

Apparenly, Siera's hand had hit a nerve in Professor McGonagall who got into an arguement. Although Siera was happy that Umbridge had gotten a little of what she deserved, Siera still felt as though something worse was going to happen.

Today was Siera's last day in the infirmirary. All of her things had been moved back to her dormitory save a fresh set of clothes and her book bag.

George had been excited the entire day, grinning like there was no tomorrow. 

Siera, on the other hand, was going to miss the silence of the infirmirary. She hadn't realized how much she hated the hustle and bustle of school life until she was able to do her school work at her own pace without distraction.

Siera looked over to Fred and George who had begun chucking empty boxes of sweets at eachother, while Ron supplied them with ammunition. On second thought, with minimal distraction.

"Where's Harry?" Siera asked, he hadn't visited more than once the entire time she had been 'ill'. 

Ron spoke up first, "Hermione is helping him with an essay."

"You got your essay done before Harry?" Fred's eyes were wide and his mouth hung open in shock.

Ron chuckled, "No, I haven't started mine yet."

Siera threw a jelly bean at Ron, who ducked and glared at her. "You need to take your school work more seriously, Ronald."

"You need to take life less seriously, Siera." Ron's voice was dripping with enough mockery to make George shove him off the bed Ron had perched on. Siera giggled at hi and stuck out her tongue.

"You've gotten meaner since you and Siera started snogging."

"This is how he's always been, now he just has something to be mean for."

"I'm not a thing, I am a person."

"Stop being offened, George is going to kill us!"

George laughed and jumped on top of Siera, causing her to fall back agaist the head board. Siera poked his side and he laughed before grabbing her hands and trapping them against his chest. 

"Ew, have some consideration for your brothers George."

George sat up so that he was straddling Siera's lap, "then leave!" George then leaned down and let his lips hover above Siera's.

"Target locked." George said in a robotic voice, his eyes trained on Siera's lips.

"Run, Ron! Our virgin eyes!"

Fred and Ron scrambled from their seats on the floor and ran from the room, letting the door slam loudly behind them. Siera winced at the sound and scowled at George, "what was that about?"

George grinned at her wolfishly, "I wanted to be alone."


George answered her by crushing his lips against hers. His hands pulled her down until she was lying beneath him. He settled between her legs and supported his weight with his arms. 

"George," Siera breathed, her eyes wide, "what are you doing?"

"I'm kissing you." He told her as his lips skimmed against the sensitve skin of her neck and up across her jaw. 

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