Chapter 26

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"Hermione! Have you seen my yellow jumper?"

"Who hid my robes in the umbrella stand?"

"Mum, I lost my books!"

Siera sat upon the last step of the stairs, all of her school things were packed into her beautiful new chest in deep blue velvet, courtesy of none other than her cousin Tonks. 

It materialized in the middle of the kitchen just as they were all eating breakfast, along with a note. Tonks had been angry that she'd missed Siera's birthday, due to some Order of the Phoenix duties. She had hoped that the designer chest would make up for it.

To Siera, it most definetly did. 

Everyone else still ran around the house in varying stages of panic.

"Are you ready for your last year, Siera?" Hermione walked out of the living room, carrying her things behind her. 

"I think so... It feels so surreal. I'm 17..." 

Hermione sat down next to her and put her arm around her. "I have a feeling, you are going to be amazing this year."

Siera smiled and hugged Hermione. "You always know what to say."

There was a large banging sound, Hermione and Siera turned around just in time to see a bird cage tumbling down the stairs right to them.

They screeched and covered their heads.

Lupin dropped his breakfast and scrambled for his wand, stopping the cage just before it hit the girls.

Harry and Ron ran down the stairs. "Sorry! I meant to kick it into Ginny's room, but I missed." Ron explained.

Hermione stood up and put her hand on her hips. "Why are you always so violent?!" 

Ron flushed a little and apologized again, then Harry half dragged him back up the stairs to finish packing.

Hermione huffed and sat back down, crossing her arms in her irritation. "Those two would be nowhere if it weren't for me."

Siera giggled. "You know you would be lost without them."

Hermione blushed, "Yes, well, that's true too." With a sigh, she stood up. "I guess I should go help them. Wouldn't want them to make us late." Hermione took the stairs two at a time, her curly hair flying behind her.

Siera moved to the den, as she heard the sudden scraping of chests on the landing. 

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