A normal school day

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Mackenzie's POV
The dreadful sound of my alarm clock shoots into my ears. I groan as I slide out of bed as fast as a sloth, which isn't very fast at all. I sloth to the kitchen where I serve myself some musli and yogurt. Whilst I am eating breakfast I get a vibration from my phone. Of course the text is from Brynn... I have no other friends.

Brynn: hey Queen Kenz
Kenzie: hey bumblebee
Brynn: ready for school
Kenzie: noooooooo
Brynn: I'll be there in 20 minutes.
Read 6:35

"Hey kenzieboo" my older sister Maddie says messing my hair.
"Hey Maddie" I yawn. "Got to get ready, Brynn will be here in 20" I rush up to my room and put on my outfit which I had laid out the night before... because I'm organised. I slide into my  Nike running leggings and a white Nike crop top, which isn't to short considering dress codes. I complete my Nike look by slipping on some trainers. Which I'm sure you can guess... Nike.

But the time I have done my hair, make up and have brushed my teeth. I hear a knock on the door. I grab my backpack and dash to the door, screaming "I'll get it" as I run.

Before I can even see who is at the door I immediately say "hey Brynn".
"Hey kenz" she replies. She links my arm with hers and walk to short walk to school.
"What do you think they will do today?" Brynn asks, rolling her sparkling blue eyes.
"I have no idea" I mumble. Before we know it we have arrived at school. We get instantly crowded by Johnny and his "gang". "Hey weirdos, picked your noses yet?" Mark Thomas screeches. All his friends give him high fives even they it was the worst roast ever. Brynn and me exchange glances. We laugh, everyone stops what their doing and stares at us. We continue to laugh. Brynn points at Mark about to say something but she can't get the words out between her giggles... or snorts. Finally I break the ice, "no Mark we haven't because if you haven't noticed we are the 2nd and 1st smartest kids at this school, so we would know that picking your nose is extremely bad for you" I say. "How did you think of that roast?" Brynn asks him. "Probably whilst he was picking his" I answer her question. Like a volcano we irrupt into an explosion of laughter as we walk arm and arm down the hall to home room.

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