chapter 47

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Percy pov-
"I feel like I've been asleep or half asleep." I tell my therapist. "That sounds stupid."

"No it doesn't. Please just tell me more." He says

"It's like," I sigh "I've been here and doing things and living life, but the entire time everything was foggy and unclear. I never knew what would happen next. I felt like I was half conscious and barely functioning before and then someone snapped me awake and for the first time ever I can see everything clearly." I say, surprising myself with my word choices.

"So everything became clear before or after you regained your memories?" He asks me.

"After. When I lost my memories all my insecurities and everything that was unclear was just below the surface. It was like ice and every time the ice cracked and I remembered something I found more things that I couldn't fully comprehend. Every answer I found brought more questions." I stop and slightly chuckle. "This is the only time I have ever been able to say that I'll be okay. I know how to answer any questions about myself that anyone can ask me. I don't think I've ever been able to think about my future. Even as a child, I only saw darkness and death." My mind drifts back to every prophecy that could have meant my death. "Now I actually feel like I'm in a stable enough position to plan my future and just live my life."

"I'm guessing this will probably be our last meeting then?" My therapist guesses.

I snort. "No. I still have loads of issues, but now you'll have an easier job helping me to work through my problems now that I know what they are and I understand them."

"Okay, well I think our time is up, so you'd better run off to your next class." Dr. Hanes says to me. "I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Yeah." I smile and walk to my calculus classroom. Of course I'm late by about ten minutes because the bell went off before I left my therapy session.

Once I take my seat next to Peter, the teacher sees that I came in late.

"And why are you late Percy?" Mrs. Larson asks.

I grin widely "Because."

"Ah back to your sarcastic self, I see?" She asks.

"Yup. One of the perks of regaining my memories." I say.

"That's certainly a way to put it." She says with her mouth forced into a straight line. "But really why are you late."

"Therapy ran a bit late." I say, glancing at Peter who is making lovey dovey faces at Gwen.

The teacher continues the class, which goes painfully slow. Through the entire class, I either doodle on my folder or look over at Peter and Gwen who are still making cutsie faces at each other. Forcing down my jealously, I smile at Gwen who makes eye contact with me for a moment.

'Is something wrong?' She mouths to me.

'Nah I just hate math or whatever this class is.' I reply silently.

After what feels like an eternity, the class ends and we head to the cafeteria.

"Hey, Pete, can I sit with you today?" I ask.

"Of course you can, Percy." When we arrive, I sit on his left and Gwen sits directly across from him.

"So, how are your grades, Percy?" Gwen asks.

"Terrible. I suck at school and learning. I hate it and can't do it." I say.

"Are you failing?!" She asks worriedly.

"Almost." I smile cheekily at her.

"Well, what are you planning to do with your life?" She asks.

"I have no clue. I'm gonna choose later." I say.

"How much later? We graduate in a few short months!" She exclaims.

"I'm thinking as soon as I'm forced to choose, I will." I tell the girl. "I'd never be good at a career where I have to rely on intelligence. I'm probably gonna live off my uncle Tony for a long time until I can decide what to do."

"You can't be serious, Perce." Peter says, finally joining in.

"Fine. I've been thinking maybe the military or navy." I say "because if I understand anything it's war."

She looks at me confused and starts to speak, but I cut her off by standing up and mumbling "No way."

Peter follows my gaze and looks surprised.

I get up and nearly fall over, sprinting to greet my friends. First, I wrap my arms around Nico, because he's the closest.

"We heard you got your memories back and we had to come see you!" Piper says "when we got to your house/tower thingy and Captain Hottie said that you were at school, so we came to visit!"

"They just let you all in?" I ask.

Across the cafeteria we can all clearly hear "Aren't those the stalkers from tell beach?" It's Flash.

"Oh schist." I whisper to myself "The only stalker was Andrew!" I shout back to them.

"Is that the one that shot you?" Nikki asks. Of course they're all walking closer to us. The entire cafeteria is staring at us now, so we go and sit at the empty table with Peter and Gwen. Flash, Nikki, and the rest of that group follow us and sir down.

"Yes" I tell her.

"Oh by the way, really sorry, but Andrew followed us here and we are pretty sure he'll be here soon." Will says. "Oh and also hi."

"Hey Will. I meant to thank you for saving my life back on Halloween. I never did and now it's March and I should have don't it earlier and now I'm just rambling which I do sometimes. It's probably because of my ADHD."

"Yay we all have ADHD. Or at least most of us do! Frankie here has lactose intolerance instead." Leo announces.

That's when I realize that some people didn't come. Only Jason, Piper, Frank, Leo, Will, Nico, Connor, and Hazel came.

"Where's everyone else?" I ask.

"You know camp only allows a certain amount of us troubled kids out of camp without supervision at a time." Connor says, smiling.

Of course at this point Andrew Chase has to barge into the school cafeteria. I put my head down on the table and groan. "Can't I just have one peaceful reunion with my friends without this prick screwing it up?"

"Percy!" He shouts, he must've spotted me. Styx!

AN this chapter was kind of rushed. Sorry if it's terrible. You can deal with the bad quality chapter because it's 2:56 in the morning and I have to be up for school at 6:30 in the morning. I'll try to make the next chapter better and I'll try to get it up soon. Thanks for reading.

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