Chapter Three

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I growled. It's kinda funny how a bird/teenage girl would growl but that's what I did. The shadow turned out to be a blonde-haired teenage girl....with wings AND a halo over her head. I tensed. No more sweet sensitive Kitty. Now I'm butt-kicking Kat. I leaped and snapped out my wings. I hovered about two feet off the ground and threw the girl off of Ace. "Leave. Ace. Alone!" I snarled. The girl flew backwards but started to flap her wings.

"I can't believe I have to protect you," She sneered, taking in my ragged appearance. "Hey, just because I'm not so prepped and dollied like you doesn't mean you have to treat me like garbage," I snapped angrily. She rose an elegant blonde eyebrow. I fumed and lunged at the air. She moved away effortlessly and I flew into a tree instead of her. Ow. I fell on the ground rubbing temple. NOT a good place to get hit with a tree branch. I winced. "You ok?" Ace laughed, that silvery bell-like sound again. I scowled and pushed his hand away. "I'm fine," I got up and brushed the debris off my clothes.

Moon came up and took an object out of my hair. "Leaf," He said simply, and we both burst into laughter. I actually fell I was laughing so hard. Moon fell beside me laughing, too. "Um, are you done with the giggling?" The blonde said rolling her brown eyes.

I glared at her. "And why exactly are you here? I don't think we ever asked for your existence," I scowled and crossed my arms. "Haha, very funny," She said icily. I rolled my eyes. "Uh..I think I asked you a question," I glared at her.

The girl's eyes changed from annoyed to concerned. "I'm actually here to protect you from him," She said, pointing to Ace. I sighed. "How exactly are you going to do that?" I replied. "He's a vampire. You're a...."

"I'm an angel sent from up there," She pointed to the sky. "Whatever," I turned around. "Come on, Moon," I called. He strided up to me. We both looked back and I sneered. "I hope I never see you two again," I glared at them, daring them to take a step. I turned back and headed torwards the wall of trees.


I was so hungry and parched. My throat burned of thirst, and my stomach growled like a crazy bull. "Moon,"I moaned. "How long until you catch something?"

Moon was out hunting....again. The last few hunts were, sadly, unsuccessful. I did manage to find a few berries, but that wasn't enough to fill up my stomach. Ever since I had found my wings, which I had NO idea why I couldn't find them before, my appetite had gotten twice as big.

So now here I was, stumbling in the middle of a great big forest with no food or water OR Moon. Where was he, anyway? I sighed. My head was about to explode. All at once, the trees thinned and I approached some kind of...building. It had a picture of some kind of food on the top, so of course I went in.

The only problem was that I forgot to tuck my wings in.

Everyone's heads turned to me. Most were eating the same food that was on the logo. Each person dropped their food and screamed. Yes, I am a freak with creepy wings. That doesn't mean you have to get all worked up about it. Everyone nearly knocked each other over in their haste to get out of, I think.

I heard a deep chuckle, and my gaze snapped to the only person left in the room. My eyes went wide. This person was HOT. Our eyes met. His was a curious shade of violet, while mine was boring brown.

"Good show," The boy said quietly but I could tell he was amused. I tucked my wings in and turned to leave. "You don't have to leave, I'll get you a burger," He called out. I turned. "A burger? Uh, is that what everyone was eating?" My stomach growled loudly. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole world heard it. The boy turned and got two "burgers".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2012 ⏰

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