Friends and Foes

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Harry: to Jacob " Are you a vampire too? You don't look like one."

Jacob: "No, I'm a werewolf."

Lupin: "Did you say werewolf?"

Jacob: " Yeah, I said werewolf. Why do you ask?"

Lupin: "I'm a werewolf, too."

Jacob: " Whoa, I didn't know magic people had werewolves!"

Lupin: " We don't feel all hot all the time, we turn into wolves at full moon, and we grow normally, unlike you."

Jacob: " How do you know that kind stuff?"

Lupin: "I'm a big reader. Also, vampires don't sparkle."

Jacob "Okaay... Are there any other werewoves like you here, or is it just you?"

Bill: "I'm half werewolf, does that count?"

Jacob: "I guess..."

Lupin: " There is roughly one point five werewolves here right now."

Harry: "You guys should start this werewolf club."

MEANWHILE.... Ginny and Luna come skipping up to Bella, Esme, Alice, and Edward.

Ginny: " Hi, you're Bella, right?"

Bella: nods slowly,still cuddled up by Edward "Yes.."

Luna: "I'm Luna!"

Ginny: "And I'm Ginny Weasley. We figured you might be cool."

Edward: "Back off!"

Alice and Esme:  "Aww, Edward, give them a break. They're so cute!"

Edward: "Pff... Only Nessie is cute."

Luna: to Esme and Alice "Thank you, so much!"

Ginny: "Who's Nessie? Hey, Bella, is this your boyfriend? Some boyfriend you've got."

Bella: "Nessie is my daughter. And, Edward is not my boyfriend."

Ginny: "That's good. I going to say, what kind of boyfriend is he?"

Luna: "Yes, he's not exactly the number one boyfriend, it seems like..."

Bella: frowning "He's not my boyfriend, he's my husband."

Luna: "Oh, my."

Alice: laughing " I know."


Fleur and Rosalie are arguing nearby. It seems that there is a mutual hatred between the two blondes.

Fleur: flipping her hair "I 'ave been using Dove shampoo."

Rosalie: cocking her hip " I use Pantene."

Fleur: "I zink zat Dove ees better."

Rosalie: "Pantene is way better. No wonder your hair is like that."

Fleur: "Excuse me?" 

It goes on and on, doesn't it?

Copyright © 2012 anniema3

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