Somebody Told Me

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"What?" Queenie was the first to speak. Queenie and Tina stood still in shock and disbelief. As did Jacob and Newt, but for other reasons. The sisters had heard of the name Iva Dumbledore from working at MACUSA. She was frequently mentioned when Tina was still an Auror. She wasn't known for being a nice, likable person. She was known for her involvement with Gellert Grindelwald. The woman standing before them was nothing of the sort. Valerie was kind and thoughtful, loving even. She wasn't a hateful, murderer. "I...I don't understand?"

"I know, and I'm sorry, but I don't have time to explain. Please, just understand that what you may have heard isn't true. I am not the monster they make me out to be. There is so much more to every story. I came to America to finish my brothers work, but I couldn't do so being as myself. It's why I have a false name and appearance. I'm a Metamorphmagus. My sole purpose was to get close to Graves."

"Why?" Tina asked.

"That's not important right now."

"Yes it is!" She shouted back. "We trusted you."

"I know, and I am sorry it feels like I am betraying you. None of you were apart of the plan." She explained. "I never meant you hurt you guys. Honestly." Queenie was crying at this point. She couldn't believe it was all true. 

Valerie Forrest is Iva Dumbledore. 

"You all must have a million questions and everything will be answered in due time..." Valerie suddenly sensed Credence calling her from the pendent. "...but I have to go. I have to finish this." She took a step back from them, and disapparated before anyone could stop her. 

Landing outside an abandoned house, she cautiously walked up the steps and opened the front door. A quiet as possible, she made her way up the main staircase of the house. She could hear voices from the second level and stopped mid flight, hoping to overhear something of importance. She could make out the voices to be Graves and Credence, but it was hard to hear what they were saying. All she could tell was it didn't sound pleasant. Graves had a harsh tone, full of anger. She continued the flight and stopped close enough to hear from the other room. 

"You're unteachable. Your mother's dead. That's your reward." Graves spoke. "I'm done with you." He told Credence and began walking in Valerie's direction. She made no move to hide herself. He bypassed her and continued down the hall but stopped when he saw a movement out of the corner of his eye. It was Modesty, Credence's sister. "Modesty?" He called out to her. He found the girl shaking, scared out of her mind. "Modesty." He whispered, kneeling to her level. His tone was softer now as he put his wand away, not to cause he alarm. "There's no need to be afraid. I'm here with your brother, Credence." He explained, attempting to gain her trust. Modesty whimpered in terror. "Out you come, now..." 

As Graves tried to get the girl to move, the ceiling began to crack. The walls and entire house began to shake. Graves stood back up and discovered the Modesty was not the one creating this disturbance. No. There was another source. It was then that Valerie appeared in the doorway. Graves glanced her way, jaw dropped in confusion. For a spilt second, he thought it was her. "What is that?" She asked him, genuinely concerned about what might happen. 

The walls began to collapse. Graves moved about from a scared Modesty and made his way over to Valerie, who also appeared to be fearful. Modesty took the opportunity to run from the room and out of the house, with all the courage she had left. It didn't make. She was nothing to Graves now. Modesty wasn't the Obscurus. "What are you doing here?"

"I came for answers." Her voice was firm as the walls continued to crumble. Graves groaned in response and grabbed ahold of Valerie's hand, pulling her close to his side. He couldn't allow anything to happen to her. There was no telling what the Obscurus would do next. When the final wall fell, Credence was reveled on the other side. His face was full of fury and betrayal. 

"Credence...I owe you an apology." 

"I trusted you. I thought you were my friend. That you were different." His bitterness towards Graves, as well as Valerie, continued to flare up. Making the Obscurus a bigger problem for them. 

"You can control it, Credence." 

Credence's stare was dead set on Graves, full of rage. "But I don't think I want to, Mr Graves." He growled as the Obscurus completely took over him. When the dark mass charged towards them, Graves acted as quick as possible. He placed his arm over Valerie's shoulder and pulled her to the floor, protecting her with his own body. Once it passed, missing them, Graves stood back up and rushed to the window. He watched as the Obscurus flew out and over the city. Credence had slipped from his grasp. Hell has been released onto New York City. 

"What have you done?"

"You shouldn't have come here." Graves brushed her off and began making his way downstairs. Valerie quickly followed after him. 

"If you would have told me from the start, I would have helped you." She explained. "Now, look at the mess you have created. All of these innocent people have been hurt and killed."

"Since when have you cared?" Graves almost laughed.

"Since I met people worth caring for." He stopped walking once they were back outside. He turned to look at her in what appeared to be disgust. She actually cared for those people. Here he was thinking it was all an act. "How long have you known?"

"How long have you known?"

"Don't make a bloody game out of this!" She shouted. "Was it you all along?"


Valerie wanted to simply run home and cry. It sounded so immature and childish, but right now, she just wanted to have a pity party for herself. This was all her doing anyhow. In the beginning, she thought she wanted to be found. It was why she chose the name Valerie Forrest. She knew he'd see it as a clue and find her. As she stood there second guessing and doubting everything, she realized she was wrong. Her chance for a normal life washed away right in front of her.


"Because I love you." He confessed. His love for her was sick and possessive. Nothing about it was normal. Yet, Valerie, in a way, encouraged it. She always had, but it wasn't what she wanted anymore. Valerie didn't see herself as Iva anymore. Her heart wasn't there.

"I will follow you until the end, Grindelwald." She reached up and placed her lips near his ear. In all honesty, she was terrified. "I love you." She whispered. It took everything inside her to not allow her voice to shake. Nothing was real. Not a single moment. She was overcome with emotion, but couldn't let an ounce of it show. No matter how much Grindelwald claimed to love her, he wouldn't think twice about killing her if she betrayed him.

"Let's go." Graves took Valerie by her hand, leading them towards the Obscurus. They were going to end this. Together.

Three in one day, yay! Hopefully that'll make up for my lack of updates. We're almost to the end. Three more chapters. The last two I have already written. So I only need to write the next one, and that's it! Let me know your thoughts. (: If you're kinda lost, it'll all make sense in the end. I promise. 

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