Change Your Mind

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Monday arrived faster than Valerie cared for. She wasn't exactly thrilled with the fact Graves wanted to see her in his office, but at the same time, she was thrilled. Graves couldn't possibly think she'd just agree to being in Auror because he flat out wants her to be one. Becoming an Auror took a lot of time and training. It wasn't that she was lacking in free time or the ability. It's just that she simply didn't want to do it. She could think of a dozen other things she could do to waste her days, like reading books or playing with Daisy. 

"I was slightly worried you wouldn't show." Graves stated as she came into his office.

"No, you weren't."

"You're right. I wasn't."

Valerie laughed, "Yeah, I figured." She took the seat across from him. "So, care you tell me what this is all about?"

"I want you to work for me."

She sighed, "I told you..-"

"Not as an Auror."

"Then what will you have me doing?"

"The Misuse of No-Maj Artifacts office is a complete mess. We don't have anyone in charge of the department which has led to everyone just throwing everything about the room. I would like for you to transfer here and organize it. Make it something of your own."

"This sounds like a down grade from my current job."

"Think of it as an upgrade considering you'll be in better company, you will receive a pay raise, and you don't have to answer phones."

"What if I say no?"

"You can't. I've already completed your transfer." 

"This is an absolute conflict of interest and misuse of power."

"Maybe so, but are you complaining?"

"Not yet." 

"Then it's settled. Pack your desk and say goodbye to your old offices mates. You are officially the Head of the Misuse of No-Maj Artifacts. Congratulations, Miss Forrest." Graves stood up, rounding the desk, and held his hand out to her. She placed hers gently in his and he helped her stand from the chair, then brought her hand to his lips. Valerie couldn't help but think he was a bit charming. It seemed completely out of character, but this behavior was only directed towards her. 

Valerie made her way up to the third floor and into what is now considered her old office. She was met with a two sets of curious eyes. They thought she was late. It was weird since she had never been late before.

"Where have you been?" Beatrice was first to speak, of course.

"Speaking with Mr Graves."

Beatrice gasped, "Hottie Percival Graves? Spill." Oddly, Valerie felt her blood slightly boil with jealously. A feeling that wasn't present on Friday when she made comments about him. Beatrice was a beautiful woman, when she kept her mouth shut, only a fool would deny it. 

"Uh, he offered me a job heading the department of the Misuse of Mug..No-Maj Artifacts. It's not much, but at least I won't be so confined to a desk."

"I'm so happy for you." Beatrice squealed, jumping from her seat and rushing over to embrace Valerie. "We'll miss you so much." Valerie glanced over to Susan while she was in the forced embrace to see her shaking her head, holding back a laugh. Valerie was clearly uncomfortable with the display of affection. Beatrice didn't pick up on that though. 

Valerie went over to her desk and packed her desk up with the use of her wand. Again, to not raise any questions from the girls. Graves was the only person here she would probably ever feel comfortable knowing about her wandless skills. Her wand was more of a accessory or prop than anything else. Hell, if she had two she could use them as chop sticks. Other than that, it was useless to her. Susan took the opportunity of Beatrice being on the phone to come over to Valerie's desk to bid her goodbye. 

A Matter Of Time - A Percival Graves StoryWhere stories live. Discover now