Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Daminao


"Dante! You fucking bitch!" Damiano shouted walking into my office. I groaned closing my laptop. I really don't have time for his shit.

"What do you want boy?"

"You stopped! How could you Dante?!" He yelled slamming his hands on my desk.

"It's not my fucking job to look for your bitch Damiano. Now get the fuck out of my office!" I yelled standing up. Damiano scoffed and ran his hands down his face.

"Fine! I'll just have your fiancé talk some sense into you." He said and I got pissed off. I grabbed him by his collar and he flinched.

"Mention Carney one more time and I'll kill you , you blue eyed bitch!" I growled out and he pulled out of my hold then laughed.

"I see what's happening here! She fucking left you so now I have to suffer huh?! It's not my fucking fault you fucked up Dante!" I sighed pulling open my desk drawer.

"Get out now little brother." I took my gun out and turned the safety off.

"This is fucking bull shit and you know it!" He yelled leaving my room. I sat down in my chair and put my gun away. Opening my laptop again I sighed looking at her laugh with Red. What was so bad about living with me? I gave her everything a woman would want. All you have to do is give them money and they should be on cloud nine... I groaned thinking about her again.

"S-Sir, your meeting with your father! He's early." My assistant said and I shot up. If he's early then that means we have a problem.


"So... I'm your best friend and you haven't told me about your time with Dante." Jenna said making me groan. I finished my last spoonful of frozen yogurt and sat back.

"It doesn't matter. I don't want to talk or think about him." Red shrugged.

"I was just wondering geez! It's not like he keeps sending you flowers." I rolled my eyes. He needs to stop that honestly. My apartment is looking like a flower shop!

"So?! Sending me flowers is supposed to make me go back to him Jenna?! It what world does that make sense?!" I yelled. She put her hands up.

"Hey calm down! I was just wondering... I thought maybe you guys were a little more... Dante doesn't send any women flowers. It's kinda sweet." I sighed.

"It's a trap! Okay?! He's up to something I know it! Nothing he did while I was with him was genuine. He just wants to use me again Jenna. Oh and did I mention he kidnapped me after I went to a club with you?!" I shouted. Jenna bit her lip and looked down. "J-Jenna I'm sorry... "

"No... it's fine." She mumbled with her head down still.

"Jenna, come here girl." I said opening my arms for her. She smiled and jumped into my hold, I gave her a tight squeeze and we laughed.

"I knew you wouldn't be mad at me for long!"

"You know I really should just give you the cold shoulder!" She pouted.

"Please don't-" she was cut off by the doorbell. Jenna got up and took off for the door. I sighed and picked up my tv remote, it's probably just some more of those stupid expensive flowers. I heard Jenna walked back and another set of feet. I turned to see Dante's cute little brother. It's the one with the blue eyes...uh... Damiano! That's it! I frowned seeing his blue eyes, still red and swollen from the loss of his girlfriend.

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