Chapter 2

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Chapter Two: What Have I Gotten In To?


Jenna was right about me liking this place. Pretty funny because this is so not a place Jenna has taken me before. This place was It gave off that kind of appeal. From the slow but upbeat music. The dark blood red of the walls and black tiled floor. Some parts of the walls have black or white lace on them.

The bodies moved slowly against each other but in a sexual way. Jenna was already swaying her hips to the beat of the music. She even grabbed mines and rocked me to the beat. I couldn't help but give in to the sensual beat. We danced for a little until some creep grabbed on Jenna. I had to pull her away and we walked to the bar.

Jenna ordered us something. Jenna took her shot and I followed. I started to cough a little, she ordered me some freaking whiskey! The drink burned my chest and I started to feel a little hot.

"Yaaassss Bae!" She rubbed my back and giggled.

"Here you go baby." The bartender laughed as he gave me a drink.

"Thank you." I sipped the cold soda.

"Ah that hit the spot." Jenna just giggled.

"Come dance with my baby!?" Jenna pulled on my arm and whined like a child.

"One song Jenna." She smiles and dragged me to the floor.


I slumped up against the cool walls. I told this girl one song but we danced for much longer than that. Jenna was still dancing, sandwiched between a girl and some guy. I was tired and things where becoming hazy. Or maybe I'm just seeing things. The security doubled since then time we got here. I don't know if it's because it's getting later in the night or not. But even the people changed... It was full of life so many different people. Now it's just half dressed women and men.

I pushed off the wall and headed to the bar, the bartender was a different guy. I scary looking guy. He looked me up and down and smiled.

"Never seen a chick go to a club in a hoodie." He started laughing. Okay he's seems pretty chill.

"Haha, not my idea to come out tonight but my friend."

"I understand, so what you want to drink?"

"I'll take a Coke, I'm driving her drunk ass home."

"One Coke coking up." Me and the bartender talked and had a great time. He's a really funny guy. He has two kids and he is raising them while his wife is in the hospital. She fell at work while chasing the new born pups. I wonder what it's like working with animals? I personally love them, but I can't stand to see them hurt. I would freak out when every my dog ran in to a wall or something.

"Baby we gotta go now!" Jenna came up to me and started pulling on my arm.

"What's wrong-"

BANG! BANG! Gun shots went off and I hit the floor. People started scrambling. Jenna was still trying to get me but I'm not taking my chance of getting shot. I grabbed her hand to pull her down too but a man had grabbed her from behind.

"Finally got you bitch." He said as Jenna thrashed in his arms. I jumped up and pulled Jenna from his hold.

"Bitch!?" He raised his hand to slap me but Jenna pulled me back. She pulled me and lead me to the back.

"Jenna! Jenna!" But she didn't stop. "Tell me what's going on! Who the hell was that guy!?" Still nothing.

"Baby I'm so sorry, I didn't think my past would catch up to me so fast... If anything I need to get you out of here." She stop running to face me. Her face was red and her cheeks where stained with tears.

"Jenn... Just tell me-" We heard a group of them running down the hall. Jenna turned and pulled me down this maze of a club. But we had to stop. The same man from before was now in front of us. With a gun pointed directly at Jenna's head. We pulled each other closely.


"Nice to see you too." He smiled at her wickedly.


"Just stay behind me..."

"Oh so protective of her huh? You two bitches follow me." This is the second time this dude has called me that! We followed him to an alley and got in the van. Jenna held on to me the whole ride. She didn't even look like the girl I've known for a year. She was like ice. Her skin was pale she was still. Eyes narrowed and dead. But the only sign of life was her grip on me. Warm and secure.

I looked around to see the other girls had the same look as Jenna. They where all half dressed... Well basically they looked like prostitutes. How in the world is Jenna involved in this?!

"Hey Red, how you been?" One girl said. Jenna lifted a brow at her.

"Good Star."

"Jenna how do you know these girls?!" The others started laughing.

"New girl stop acting so dense!"

"She's not new! She will never be apart of what we do." What we do? I squeezed Jenna even closer. I feel like I've stumbled into something bad.

"What?!... Oh no Red!" Jenna nodded her head and a stray tear fell.

"I-I didn't know they owned this club!"

"Well if you stayed in the loop you would know they bought out this whole block! And tonight they collect the girls, round us all up." I shake my head, I don't understand! I really can't!

"Jenna please just tell me what's going on!" She turned to me.

"Carny... The Mafia is the one that took us. We where in one of their clubs that was a collecting point for the girls... I-I am one... B-But I didn't know I promise! And as soon as I can I'll get you out." Tears started running down her cheeks. Jenn, one of these girls?! And the Mafia!?

"Jenn, why?" One of the other girls pipped in.

"She wanted to go to school." And Jenna nodded.

"But they said they would wait until I finished up... I didn't even mean to make friends because of this!" I pulled her in to my chest while she cried.

"Hey girl. You need to find a way out before they put you in. You'll be turning tricks just to keep your life." I felt a cold chill run down my spine and bile rise. I can't imagine having sex with multiple strangers. I-I haven't had sex at all!

The car stopped and Jenna's grip got even tighter. She pulled me close and whispered in my ear.

"Listen, what Star said ain't gonna happen. This is just a den for us right now, so stay close and quite baby. Got it?"

"Yeah Jenna." We all left the van. I looked around to see other vans unloading girls and even more where coming... What is going to happen to me?



Sooooooooo what you guys think?!?!!!!?!

Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter!!!!







(•́ ₃ •̀)

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