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Dormant for so long,

Then suddenly I am awake

And dancing, laughing, living

The adolescent fantasy

I always wanted.

Things aren't perfect,

I'm still half in and

Half out of everything.

But let me tell you

What this new love I have

Feels like.

It feels like doing everything

In reverse,

It feels like unexplainable forces

Culminating into one moment.

It feels like kissing blindly and badly,

Wholly and without regret

Because it will not matter when you wake the next morning.

But maybe it will this time.

It feels like having the night on

Repeat, of waiting for the messages

And sweet words, it feels like I'm

Unboxing someone new,

I feel that if we had met anywhere else

He wouldn't have even looked at me.

But while he's looking,

I look too- I look at his face;

He's smiling at me.

And in the drunken haze,

Everything else fades way.

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