The Little Things (H2oVanoss)

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A/n welcome! And hope ye enjoy!


"Evan? Evan are you in there?" Jonathan asked as he knocks on the door to the garage. "Im here! Just- just checking some stuff in here!" Evan yelled back.

Jonathan opened the door and sees Evan staring at an old trophy. Some dismantled boxes were scattered throughout the garage and the second garage door was wide open so some sort of light comes in.

"What are you doing here?" Jonathan asked as he walks closer to Evan. "Im checking some of the old boxes..." Evan said quietly.

Jonathan stares at the back of Evan's head and stays quiet. "It's been so long since I've been here and what better place to start then here?" Evan continued. He was still holding the trophy by the base of it and he sighs quietly. "Im sorry...about this, I heard what happened" Jonathan begin, "Sorry for you're loose..." Jonathan mumbles as he watches Evan tensed up, "I came here to check up on you-"

"It's okay....I'm a lot better then I was before" Evan said. "It sucks that he had to die....I knew it was coming but I wasn't ready for it....I never was"

Jonathan reaches out to turn Evan around but stops himself, 'maybe I shouldn't....maybe I should go'

"Well...uh...I just wanted to check up on you-"

"Don't leave, I like your company" Evan said as he turns around to face jonathan with puffy red eyes and a sad smile.

Jonathan eyes widen and he watches Evan put down the trophy carefully on the table besides him and jonathan pulls Evan into a tight hug.

Evan hugs Jonathan's slightly shorter frame and embraces the warmth. Tears started to fall once again and jonathan holds his best friend tighter.

"Im so sorry" Jonathan said, he rubs Evan's back softly as evan chokes on a few of his tears. "Nobody understands..." Evan whispered, "Nobody gets how hard this is on me. That man was my dad and he was such an amazing support throughout my life. He cheered me on in sports, he helped me with my homework and he played games with me...."

Evan brakes down for the second time again and jonathan just hugs him, just to give him some sort of comfort. Knowing that he was suffering made Jonathan's heart ache, Evan was to nice and to much of a softy but jonathan tried his best to place himself on Evan's shoes.

"Thank you for listening to my Crap.." Evan said and jonathan chuckles a bit, "Im always gonna be there, even if you don't want me too. I'll be there you motherfucker~" Jonathan half teased and Evan laughs a bit. He pulls away and it took everything in Jonathan's brain power to let go.

"Thank you man, I appreciat it" Evan said and jonathan smiled softly, his blue orbs shinning, "it's the little things"


Evan had opened himself more, he told jonathan anything and everything. They grew closer to each other and jonathan tried his best to ignore the butterflies he felt around Evan. But anything Evan did made Jonathan fall for him more.

Luke told Jonathan to just go for it but jonathan refused, he didn't want to bring Evan more problems so he decided to give up.

Jonathan gave out his feelings for his best friend just so he could be happy and as much as it hurt Jonathan, he had too.


"Jonathan? Are you okay? You seemed....tired" Evan said finally catching the dark bags under the foggy blue eyes that his best friend had. "Work, it's been kicking my ass lately..."


Jonathan closes his eyes and screamed in his mind to let the feeling stop, to just leave him alone but nothing work. The thoughts killed his sleep and it's been almost a week.

"I don't belive you, don't think I can't see thru your bullshit" Evan said and he crouched down to Jonathan's level. Jonathan scoots away and presses his back all the way to the wall and tries to get up but Evan kept him down.

"Don't move, I won't let you move until you tell me the real reason"

"Look it's nothing-"

"No, if it's bothering you then it is something"

Jonathan groans and then evan leans in a bit. Jonathan stares and watches as one of Evan's hands touches his pale cheek that slowly started to gain color.

"Are you sick? Your a bit hot" Evan wondered and jonathan laughs, "thanks, I know I'm hot"

"You idiot" Evan laughs while patting his cheek.

Evan pulls aways but before he did jonathan pushes him and Evan falls to the floor, which wasn't much but he still pushed him.

"Oh really?~" Evan teased and jonathan laughs. "Now you pick me up"

"Nah, you're heavy" Jonathan said and Evan laughs, "pick me up!"

"Fine fine, I'm going" Jonathan said.

Jonathan gets up and dust his hands and his pants off and reaches for evan. Evan gives Jonathan his hand and as soon as jonathan took it, Evan pulls him and jonathan falls forward and into Evan's chest he lands.

Jonathan laughs and screams, "you asshole!-...."

Evan was staring deeply into his eyes and jonathan felt the blood rush back to his cheeks.

'So close' they both thought and when jonathan was gonna pull away evan takes the risk and brings him back by pulling jonathan closer by the back of his neck and smashing his lips against his.

The kiss was soft and slow, tender even.

There lungs burning from the lack of oxygen but they didn't want to pull away, it felt so short and they wanted more. More of each other.

Jonathan finally pulls away feeling himself just about to pass out and he leans on Evan's shoulder, shaking a bit.

"Wow" Evan said and jonathan laughs breathlessly. "W-why?" Jonathan asked as he looks back up to evan.

Evan looks at Jonathan's soft pink lips and smirks, "Why not?"

"Evan- Stop-"

"It's not like you didn't want this to happen either, amirite?~" Evan said and jonathan blushes deeper. " this to happen?"

"Since the very beginning"

Jonathan smiles softly and slaps Evan's chest playfully, "You sly bastard"

"So I've been told~"

"Don't push it" Jonathan groaned and evan laughs, "too much?"

"Too much"

Jonathan was about to get up but Evan brings him back down and kisses him once again. "Mmmm" Jonathan softly hums into the kiss and Evan's pulls away smiling, "What will this make us? Best friends with benefits?" Jonathan half teased and Evan smiled, "it can make you my boyfriend"

Jonathan's eyes widen and he stares at evan to see if he was lying but nothing, "really?" Jonathan asked and Evan laughs, "Yes you idiot! Would you want to go out with me?"

Jonathan grins from ear to ear and nods rapidly, "I'd- yes...yes I would go on a date with you"




"Im in"


A/n My first one shot this 2017! I hope you all are doing amazing and I hope everything is going good for you all! Comment vote and ill talk to y'all in the next one!

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