Chapter 11- Odin the Liar

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I stayed in my cell, that was freezing. At one point I was forced to set the blanket I had on fire. I was failing to burst into flames as the heat drained out of my body.

"Lady Aria." A guard said and it was then that I noticed the cell wall was open. I stood up, shivering uncontrollably, the guard gave me a heated blanket in which I took.

"You do not look well." The guard hesitantly spoke and I gave a thin smile.

"T-Take me to fucking Odin." I snapped and the guard nodded his head, I was stiff any my blood wasn't circulating smoothly anymore. 

I stiffly walked down the halls, Thor saw me on the way, but wisely didn't acknowledge me. The door opened and Odin was seen on his throne, Loki speaking to him. When Loki saw me he didn't seem to change emotions. Little fucktard.

"Y-Y-You little shit!" I yelled as I stormed in, people gasped all around me. Not smart of me to speak that way the, but the immensity of the fuck I did not give was astounding at the moment, "I c-can't feel m-m- my toes! T-That isn't natural!"

"There are precautions-"

"No! No you just decided to throw me in a fucking cell for no reason!" 

"You attacked the Fire Giants. Almost started a war," Odin snapped angrily and I laughed bitterly.

"You lied, you know whatever the fuck the Brann is and you know it chose me and you know I've been looking-" I didn't know this, but by Odin's expression I could tell I was right.

"You did not seek my help!" Odin yelled and I cocked an eyebrow.

"When Heimdall called me Surtur you deliberately cut him off and forbade him to explain further. You were hiding this from me, you were hiding whatever monster I am from myself. That is not your business! It is not your situation to meddle in!" I screamed and ignored the burning I felt in my stomach.

I was working on controlling it, breath in, out, in, out, in, out.

"How dare you, come to me with vulgar words and accusations." Odin snapped and I stepped forward and shook my head.

"How dare you. You don't even know me so you must be hiding this for your own benefit," I growled savagely and Odin froze.

He looked at me softly, something was behind his eyes as they flickered over to Loki. Then back to me and he sighed.

"I am going back to Earth-"

"You are not, it is too dangerous."

"You, Allfather, can go fuck yourself. The only way your stopping me is if you're carrying my bloody carcass back."

"Aria-" Loki cut in frantically and I snapped my head in his direction.

"You've got no say in this. Go crawl back in your shell." I snapped and Loki winced.

"Do not force us to do this Aria." Odin warned and I shook my head and narrowed my eyes.

"Then tell me everything." 

"I will lead you in the right direction-" Odin began and I scoffed at this.

"You lost that chance Bucko, that ship has sailed. It is not even in the Bay anymore," I said and Odin closed his eyes.

"Not today, I will tell you, but not today."

I glared at him, my eyes blazing, "you better tell me sooner rather then later. For your sake."

With that I stormed out. The Warriors Three, Lady Sif and Thor were obviously listening in, I glared at the five and felt my hands catch fire.

"Mind your own business."

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