Part 13

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Tae POV~

"It's too hot for that Tae"

"Shut up!" I chucked a ball of paper at Hoseok and chuckled gleefully when it hit him on the nose. Whilst pouting cutely, and rubbing his nose; he shot me a glare. I just shrugged innocently in return and turned back to my desk.

"It's due by the end of the week, which happens to be tomorrow. I gotta pass this or my parents will send me to boarding school for sure"

"Yeah yeah. Hurry up and take me out for ice-cream. I sweating buckets"

"Who says I'm taking you out for ice-cream? You're older hyung. You pay"

"Brat" he muttered under his breath as he went downstairs. In return I let out a soft chuckle and continued to type furiously on my laptop.


"Yah! TAEEEE! COME BACK HERE BRAT!" Hoseok screamed at me. I had taken a not so subtle lick at his ice-cream, before sprinting out of the shop as fast as I could, grinning like a goof.

Behind me I could hear him panting loudly along with the sound of his feet hitting the ground at a fast pace. Damn those muscly, firm and toned dancing legs.

With a final burst of energy I sprinted into a nearby park and hid behind a tree.

"T-Tae..." he panted as he walked up to the tree - obviously out of breath. I poked my head out to one side and grinned to him.

"Heyyyy~ how's the ice-cream?" I teased and flopped down by the base of the tree, leaning my back against the trunk and looked up at him.

He rolled his eyes and wiped some sweat off his forehead. The heat was affecting him alot more than me. Hoseik took a shallow breath in, and I watched as his adam's apple bobbed slightly, causing a few droplets of sweat to slide down his beautifully pigmented skin and glide down to his sharp collar bone. Subconciously, I scraped my teeth over my lip and bit gently on the skin.

"Yah! Stop looking at me like that. You're creepy" he teased and took a place next to me.

A light blush crept up on my face and I looked away. "I'm not looking at you like anything, shut up"

He just chuckled and started to do cute little licks at his ice-cream. My eyes darkened slightly. His tongue was so pink and slicked with spit, it carefully dug into the icecream and brought the sweet cream to his lip. His lips were tinted red and slightly swollen from the coldness.

A small guttural noise made its way to my throat and escaped my mouth. Hobi looked at me questioningly.

"What is it?" He frowned and cocked his head, making the tendons in his neck stand out and glint in the sun.

I sighed and laid my head against the tree. "Nothing, the heats just getting to me."

"We should find a place with more shade. My ice-cream will melt."

"Aw fuck! I left my ice-cream in the shop"

Hoseok laughed. "Scatter brain." He held out his cone for me to take.

"We can share" I smiled softly and took it from his hands. My eyes slowly flickered up to Hoseok's as I started licking the cream.

For a second my eyes were locked on his. I couldn't move and my breathing hitched. Suddenly we started moving in. Caution flickered through Hoseok's eyes as we got closer. My eyes fluttered to a close and waited for our lips to meet.

My head tilted up and I could feel him gently cup my face. Quickly, so quick I nearly missed it I heard a faint voice.


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