Mom's Spaghetti

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Alright, I just got Tasha down for a nap so I could finish my to do list

1. Move new furniture pieces into the living room (note: make sure Michelle can come pick up the old furniture pieces)

(Mental note: I'm so proud of Michelle, she just graduated college. I figured she can use all the help she can get. She fought hard to finish school, no one helped her. And she did it without having to blow on a limp, cheese d - - is that Tasha making noise? Is she awake?......... No)

2. Vacuum the upstairs

3. Dust the entertainment center

4. Return call from Blue Cross Blue Shield

5. Put my husband on the stove

6. Let the dog out for a while

7. Get Tasha's outfit ready for tomorrow

8. Grab a beer (mental note: you've earned it)

This list should be do able before baby girl wakes up. Mmmm, I'll extnay for the vaccuum...ay. I'll get dinner started first, that way she can have her meal ready when she gets up. Who doesn't love waking up to food on the table or the scent of freshly baked poppa.

I initially decided on legs, but now I'm thinking I want his hindquarters. He always has had a nice set of glutes and he's also always been too much man for me. I'm gonna have to cook him down, freeze some, share with the neighbors or church, and eat the rest.

Aw look at him laying there all peaceful. Even now with the broom handle shoved through his throat he's still quite the man.

What do you say cowboy, can I have one last ride on the big rig...amortis (budum tis). Hahaha a little mom humor. Oh god, I gotta write that down. Cheryl from accounting is gonna love that one. she's always had a great since of humor, and her potato salad is better than mine...I hate Cheryl.

Honestly though, after we finish posthumous to humous boning, I'm gonna have to figure out what to do with you.

I wonder if I grind down the bones, could I use it to make a gravy or a batter? You know my husband offered to pay for me to attend cooking classes, which led to all of this, but now I regret not taking him up on it. How will I know what wine to pair him with. Should I use a rub or a vinaigrette...or both. What the hell is a vinegarette? WHAT THE HELL IS A RUB?

Fuck, he was right, I can't cook. Famous last words.

Back to my to do list

1 Husband (check)

2 Michelle's shitty negligent parents

3 Cheryl from accounting...

*couple hours later*

So Tasha doesn't like the meal, that's odd. She sounds just like her father, dead. Kidding, but she better get her act together or we're having baby fingers tomorrow. I meant carrots, baby carrots. Kids hate those.

Seriously just eat.

Oh god she won't eat,

She's so ungrateful

All I ever hear is how she wants or doesn't want something

I know I shouldn't be this angry

Eat the fuckin' food


4. Tasha

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