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                       My Voice

Well when i was younger, around 7 years old, i really hated the way that my voice sounded like.

It wasn't sweet or feminine, i said to my mom that i sounded like a "boy".

I cried and cried, because i hated myself for that.

I thought, that's the reason why boys don't like me, so i tried to sound more feminine, and it didn't work.

Years passed, i started junior high, and it started to sound more different, it was more delicate but i didn't like it.

That wasn't me.

I realized that i loved my voice no matter how it sounds like, if it's "masculine" or "feminine" .

Screw gender roles, i fucking love me.

Im sorry if my grammar is wrong or something, but english is not my first language :v so yeah, bye bye ❤

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