1. It's Gonna Be A Day

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       I decided to ditch skinny jeans today and wear leggings with an oversized sweater. You and I stayed up into the late late hours of the night talking about the possibility of "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" becoming the real thing. You also made snarky comments about how I'm Steve and you're Flynn. I was flattered and offended. The monkey goes everywhere with him, yay, but why do you get to be the cool scientist who almost kills everyone and puts a kid in a sugar coma?

       Wondering into the school I'm instantly hit with the smell of weed, which means today will be filled with the drug dog sniffing stuff that isn't his. Sighing, I make my way down a long, blank hallway. The school used to be really neat, with weird messages written everywhere, but then the school system spent millions on a shitty upgrade no one likes.

       I'm making my way up the stairs when I see you, and I'm instantly winded. Your hair is flopped across your forehead, solid tee (as per usual), jeans, and a pair of vans. It's the most casual look ever, nothing fancy, and I can't fucking handle it. Jasper, you, the actual god I get to talk to, is walking with his friend Elliot.

       Elliot is attractive, very attractive actually. Him and I have first period together, which is Spanish (I was down right outraged when I found out I had Spanish, seeing as I had enough of foreign language for at least six of me). Elliot's face is dappled with freckles, and he has dark curly hair that swoops along his forehead as well. Elliot and you are probably stitched at the hip.

       I watch you guys go, making eye contact with both of you. I already know today is going to be a fucking day. Which means, it's going to be all types of crazy. I can already feel the fit I'm going to throw at lunch, or the attitude I'll give my eighth period teacher. Or the amount of shade I'll throw in first. But I can feel second is going to be daisy's and shit, but then third and fourth I'll sleep like a cat.

       Today will be a DAY, and I'm not friggin ready.

       After dropping my bags off at first period, I head back down my usual route to the cafeteria. Typically I arrive before my friends so I have time to kill, and even more when I get a text from Penelope that she won't be attending hell today. Letting out a loud and aggravating groan (and earning a look from a few people) I turn around and make a decision to walk around the school.

       After popping in headphones and blasting some music that a high school kid probably shouldn't listen to, I make my way down the same hallway I just came from. It didn't change much. The stain was still in the ceiling, the tile pattern was uneven, the trashcan was still missing it's lid. But there was now an empty water bottle next to it, which could only mean one thing. An annoying high school boy tried to make it and missed, but his ego was too wounded for him to bother and pick it up. Which leaves me, and very neat and paranoid person, to clean it up.

       I, Jupiter Young, am a firm believer in all types of karma. Good, bad, and whatever possible kind. I'm also into all those break a mirror and seven years of bad luck stuff. Basically, I cleaned the bottle because I wanted a better chance of convincing my mom to get me a cookie later. So as I'm bending down to get the bottle I hit my head on the wall, which led to me yelling 'fucking ouch' really loudly, which led to a deep chuckle to come from somewhere behind me.

       Grabbing the bottle and angrily throwing it into the trash, I curse at literally every teenage boy and turn to yell at whoever just laughed at my pain. Whipping around I raise a finger, basically shouting "Listen here bitch" before I realize it's you AND Elliot.

       "Bitch? I dunno, Jasper looks more like the ass of a donkey," He pauses a moment, his hazel eyes twinkling, before exclaiming, "He's a jack ass!" And then falling into a fit of laughter, me following suite.

       "Haha, Elliot, very funny. I've always seen myself more as a class a dick, but if you want to raise me to a jack ass, I'm perfectly okay with that." Your voice, your damn friggin amazing voice. I think I actually melted. Your voice is actually liquid damn friggin butter and I can't handle it. My brain turned to goo, literal soup in my brain.

       "Actually, I think he'd rather not. It would inflate your oversized ego way too much." I shockingly formed a proper sentence, and in the process made Elliot laugh even harder. But that was the end of the conversation. You softly shoved Elliot along, and the two of you were off, with me trailing quietly behind you guys.

       A hallway came and I turned down it, groaning when I realized it was the no signal zone, and I was too lazy to sprint through it like most normal teenagers do. So, angry at myself for all this, I make my way through the very pits of hell and loose all signal for a solid thirty seconds to a minute. And then, to make my pain last even longer, I turned down the even longer no signal hallway and suffered for another minute or so.

       I live such a hard life. A mom that doesn't buy me cookies enough, a best friend who ditches me in hell, a crush that is the love interest of my entire life, social anxiety, and a no signal hallway. I could just die. When I get out of the no signal zone I whip out my phone, texting Jace (my mom) and seeing if she can buy me cookies (she responds not even a minute later with a no and a frowny face).

       Pouting, I decide to call Caleb. He's a tall boy, with wild and untamed curly hair flopping all kinds of directions. "Yellow, you've reached Caleb. How can I help my dearest best friend of all time?"

       "Caleb, please for the love of all the gods, tell me you haven't gotten to school yet. Please tell me you can still get me some of those stupid cookies I'm addicted to. I have the Nutella in my backpack and I have six dollars so you could get me to things of cookies. Please, I need cookies." I finish with a breath, hearing him sigh. The sigh makes me smile, which means he's doing it regardless of how close he is to the school.

       "You also owe me one of your best fucking hugs and you can't steal any of my potato chips at lunch today, you got it?" His tone was firm, and I want to whine and protest, but I can't loose the cookies.

       "I absolutely love love love you so much Caleb, thanks a million." I smile widely, hanging up on him before he can change his mind.

       Roughly ten minutes later Caleb arrives to me rewatching cat videos on the internet and laughing my ass off. Squealing gleefully I take the cookies from him, digging the money out of my purse and handing it to him. "Remember, no potato chips today at lunch." Caleb mumbles, leaning his head on my shoulder to watch the videos with me after I hand him and ear bud.
       "Don't worry, I didn't forget." The position is awkward, considering Caleb is a whopping six foot (you beat him by an inch), so he has to hunch all kinds of way to rest his head on me. We stay like this for the next however many minutes regardless, and his laugh vibrates my body. It's a nice feeling, and one I'm used to. Caleb, Penelope, and I spend our weekends together, and we rotate who's house we go to so our parents can't complain.

       My mom doesn't mind though, before this school I was really quiet and shy. I didn't talk much, and I sat in the very back and listened to my teacher. I made poor participation grades. She thinks it's great that I'm filled with life and I'm constantly with friends now. She sees it as a new chapter, a new me.

       She's also dead ass convinced Caleb and I are secretly dating.

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