The Room Where It Happens (NOT FINISHED)

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(told u I had like 2 of these)

"Ah, Mr. Secretary!"
"Hello, Mr. Burr."
"Did you hear the recent news of General Mercer?"
"You know of Clermont Street?"
"They named the street after him, in his honor. His legacy seems preserved, protected."
I resumed, "The only thing he had to do was die..."
Hamilton's face was a daze. "That seems like a lot less work."
"We should try it sometime."

They chuckled.
There was something different about this Hamilton, the way he talked. He hadn't talked as much as he used before. But it wasn't Burr's place to wonder. "How will you get your debt plan through Congress?" Burr asked, his face inquisitive. Hamilton sighed and flashed a quick smile, "I suppose I would have to start listening to you, sir."
Listen to me? Maybe finally he's taken in the advice I set upon him years ago. "Really?" The words slipped through my lips as I crossed my arms and resisted to avoid a mocking smile. Hamilton repeated the words:
"Talk less, smile more."

"I'll try every method I can - even yours, Burr - to get my debt plan to Congress. It's important to me," he spoke as he readjusted his collar. In puzzlement, I furrowed my brow and whispered, "Well, Jefferson and Madison are merciless men." Knowing this question would spring up, Hamilton responded a little too early, "Hate the sin; love the sinner." I was about to talk more of the debt plan and about the two politicians when a voice harped from behind him.
Responding, Hamilton turned around, then turned back to me. "I'm sorry, Mr. Burr, I must go."
"Decisions are being discussed over dinner."
He left, his footstep soon to be in unison with James Madison himself.

1 2 3.
2 + 1 = 3
2 Virginians + 1 immigrant = enemies.

I can imagine: two Virginians and one immigrant walking into a room, the door a soft chocolate of color.
The three men are opposites, foes.
All three agree on bringing up a compromise, opening windows of ideas and opportunities, brothers?
The immigrant stands to open with financial power, a manipulative system that can mold to whatever shape it wishes.
The Virginians stand with the colonies' capital - and here's the hook to it all:
No one else but them were in the room where they compromised,
the room where they discussed.


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