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Walkzz >>> Private

>msrobot would you stop this? Why did u make me ban him?

Walkzz I already said

Walkzz there r other ways to know which's my face.

>msrobot it's ok you know. Don't show me and thats It.

Walkzz I don't mean anything. Don't get me wrong

Walkzz I mean, we r here to hack arent we? So we dont have to do much more than that

>msrobot I know I know!!

Walkzz if you gave me ur address you would make me a favor

>msrobot what do u want It 4?

Walkzz to send you the clothing

>msrobot Oh there is a specific clothing?

Walkzz yes so... gi meg adressen din.

>msrobot what??

>msrobot 0101010011011010 11010101100101010 100111010101010010

>msrobot why does this happen?

Walkzz to hide your identity

>msrobot where r u from?

Walkzz I'll text you later ok? ser deg senere <3

>msrobot ugh, okay.

Walkers >>> Data error

hextra so when shall we meet?

unknown idk exactly when.

>msrobot how about today?

usermarsh lol today??

hextra its too late and dark outside

>msrobot cmon

unknown tomorrow would be better

Walkzz how about asking me before doing?

Walkzz if we're gonna meet, we're going everyone or the most of us, and msrobot doesn't have the things yet

Walkzz the clothing I mean

pokertoy yeah, we shall wait a little

pokertoy Walkzz idk why I still have this

Walkzz say before sending

pokertoy the video of you playing golf

Walkzz oh no lol

Walkzz >>> Private

>msrobot is your name "Walker"?

Walkzz try to hack and know

>msrobot you'll never tell me anything right? Stop and trust me.

Walkzz i dont care, because even if u try to hack me u wouldn't be able to. I trust you yes.

Walkzz but do you trust me?

>msrobot what do you mean...?

Walkzz you know what i mean

>msrobot yes I trust you

Walkzz no you don't

>msrobot I trust you and tho it's my first day here I feel confident in this group...

Walkzz I would tell you what you want, but not here. It's a risk.

>msrobot ...

Walkzz and where is the confidence? Now you understand?

>msrobot who cares. We're here to hack and nothing else, right?

Walkzz but we can be all friends

>msrobot all? Don't contradict yourself and don't generalize. Here is no one but you and me.

Walkzz I mean, if you wanna meet up with me I will.

>msrobot really?

Walkzz yes, but not yet.

>msrobot don't misunderstand me, but with you is who I feel the most confidence and it's not bc u r the best hacker.

Walkzz well, maybe too, right?

>msrobot maybe too.

>msrobot but idk its like u dont trust me... what can i do? I dont even know how to change my username

Walkzz its not that i don't trust you i told u

>msrobot u r so insecure ...

Walkzz what?

>msrobot idk that's what I feel

Walkzz insecure of what?

>msrobot yourself...

Walkzz if you say so

>msrobot I'm not judging at all, please understand me

>msrobot but if what im saying is true, i just wanna help

Walkzz don't worry about me, You don't even know me

>msrobot you're so cold

Walkzz yeah I'm sorry

Walkzz I'll be busy for a little okay? See you later.

Hacked &gt;&gt; Alan WalkerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora