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Walkers >>> Data error

usermarsh alright so what about today

unknown ummm, anyone with a bad behavior?

>unknown1 hi

usermarsh who's that.

>unknown1 aren't you hackers guys? Why asking me. I have just joined here, cuz I found this interesting

Walkzz yup she's new

Walkzz calm down guys

usermarsh the first girl here, welcome.

>unknown1 how can I be the first? I heard there are more girls and boys than us

Walkzz isn't it obvious?

Walkzz of course there are more people, but not in this group specially. In this group there are 60 people, the limit I put.

>unknown1 I'm afraid I'm not as good as y'all hacking...

Walkzz don't worry, we are here to teach, and you r here to learn

unknown lol

>unknown1 why aren't the other people typing?

Walkzz they have a life too

usermarsh why don't ya change your username I'm getting confused asf btw u and unknown

>unknown1 how to change it?

usermarsh really?

Walkzz I'll change it for you, wait a sec

unknown You'll see. Lmao

>msrobot what will I see

>msrobot why am I called msrobot?

Walkzz if you dont like it learn how to change it

Walkzz idk, the first name I thought of. Its a tv serie

>msrobot oh its ok idc anyway

Repently, a heart in my screen came out. Yes, of course, they were the guilties.

>msrobot who did this

unknown noob

Walkzz hahaha

>msrobot I have enough with the username. Now this pranks?

>msrobot so funny

Walkzz soooo cute.

>msrobot stop hacking me!! I feel like I'm not alone

Walkzz apart but still together

Hacked >> Alan WalkerWhere stories live. Discover now