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So yeah i only had five books for sci-fi since I just realized that some of the sci-fi books I read aren't completed yet so I can't really add that! Also those recommendations wouldn't be up yet since i'm posting this in advance, plus i want to sleep so i'll type those recommendations on 2017. (Long time to sleep) *December 27, 2016 right now* I actually am interested in mystery/thriller books but at the same time i'm so bad at guessing who the bad guy is ahahhaha, anyways I hope you enjoy it. Pardon my grammar/spelling/ punctuation/ capitalization/ mistakes in general, my brain stops functioning at 8 pm and right now it's 10:10 pm as i type this ahahhaha.

Also the symbols would be MT for mystery/thriller

The same message again:
Don't worry though, I would not recommend a book that is not completed yet or its sequel isn't completed yet. If there is a sequel, don't worry I would mention it and I would also add the description of the sequel. Unless of course I'm unaware of some changes. (Ex. The author decides to post a sequel, the author decides to rewrite the whole book, the author decides to take down the book, etc.) If ever such events do occur, please pm me about it. Thanks!

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