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I wanna say thank you to all of you who have supported this story. Especially those who have been around since the very beginning when I barely started this book. I have so much to be thankful for when it comes to this book.

I also wanna give a special thanks to
lildragon432 for being the MOST active reader since the beginning and for being someone I consider a friend, even though we don't talk a lot, you're still really cool.

Anyways, I wanna thank you guys for being awesome and for making this book exactly what I wanted it to be, a safe space. A place where y'all are safe to rant and speek freely. I know at times, it's hard to say all that you want and I just wanted to make this a spot where you can express your thoughts without consequences and do it unapologetically.

You guys helped me do something I haven't done in the three years I've been writing on this website. Y'all helped me reach the top 1000 charts. We got 522 for maybe two weeks?? Not sure. But, that was surreal to me. I know 522 doesn't seem so high, but to me, when I was in the 900s that was an accomplishment as it was because think about it. There are probably hundreds of thousands fanfictions, and one of mine, made it into the top thousand. It placed in the 500s. That's really awesome. I couldn't have done that without you guys though.

You've all helped me in more ways than one. Knowing people wanted to read this kept me motivated to not let my emotions get the best of me and stop me from updating. Every single thing I wrote in here, is somewhat relevant to my life even if every experience didn't happen directly to me.

Writing this helped me when my niece passed away, writing this helped me when I felt like relapsing. Writing helped me when my sister would make me angry. Writing helped.

It also made my life when I'd see comments comparing me to people like Markiplier and JackSepticEye and pewds. Like, although I do nothing similar to them, hearing that I made a similar impact on people like they did was something huge for me and it's happened on more occasions than one and I could never express how happy that made me. Helping people in little ways is what I try to do whenever I can.

I really hope some of you made friends with other readers because that'd be really cool. And if not, talk it out here. Meet new people here. I wanna see more friendships bloom.

So, a few words of advice;

When I was 13, I started self-harming. It stared with simple scratches and evolved into giving myself bruises, full on cutting, burning. I was unhappy and I stopped Freshman year. I threw away a year and a month earlier this year in February. I stayed clean and threw that away again in March. I haven't self-harmed since and I plan on leaving it like that.

The point it, eventually time did heal my wounds. I faced struggles even after I stopped harming, but through it all, I stayed strong. I did something that I wouldn't have believed I could've done three years ago. My point is, you can stay strong as well. Even if you don't believe it now, you'll see it someday.

Don't make a permanent decision over a temporary thing. Getting better is a day by day process, so it'll be slow, but it'll also be over.

I promise, if someone is trying to help you, they most likely are doing it for your benefit. I'll be reading comments on how you guys might feel like those who don't know what depression is like can't help, and yeah I agree. They might not be able to help in the way you need it, but you also need to see they're trying.

Please, if you're ever asked if you want to go to therapy or if you want to talk to a counselor, do so. It won't hurt to talk to someone. It's always better to get help than to suffer alone. I know it can be scary and different and that they may not understand you, but I promise, they chose this job to help. If all they wanted was money, they'd do something else. So please, speak to someone. Please get help if you need it and if you can.

I love you guys so much.

So, for the final time.

How was your day? How are you? Anything cool coming up? Got any plans? How were the holidays? You eat well? Sleep well? Keep up with hygiene?

My day was okay. I got money and a cool cheshire cat mug for christmas. I'm so excited yet scared for 2017.

Rant here.

Fangirl here.

Show some love to someone here.

-Didn't proofread.


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