Sick soul

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Hello stranger be my end

Take my last trip into your hands

Take your time for my sick soul

Care what still lives between all the miserable

Bring to an end what i never wanted

Show me lose from the beautiful variety

I will never be in love again

Give me pain so i can feel anything

In the corner beside my window

There hangs a lonely Photograph

There is no reason

Id never notice a memory that could hold me back

Bring me into the darkness

Everything is left to us

Help me get up and stab me down

Give me hope and break it again

Take the rest of my heart and do what you do best

Set it on fire

Do not think

You don't know me

I want you to be my life, and my end

Theres a wound thats always bleeding

Theres a road I'm always walking

And i know you'll never return to this place

I can be pretty funny if you want me to, Pensive, wise, superstitious, brave and maybe a good dancer. I can be whatever you want me to. Tell me what you want and I'm the one for you

"you're stupid"

yeah i can do that too

DejectedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora