Chapter 5: Who is King Of New York?

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Jewel P.O.V.

We walk outside and the fresh air hits me. I try to avoid Jack because I now know how he feels.

Today we planned on bustin' in ta where the Newsies usually leave afta they take there papes and will soak 'em. For Crutchy.

Last night, Jack and David went to go bust out Crutchy. Crutchy didn't want to because he thought it wouldn't be good for his leg. I understand why Crutchy turned down Jack, but I'm gonna miss him.

The circulation bell rings and all us Newsies start to pile in. The bulls start arriving and we start to beat them up too.

I am up on top of a wagon beating up a scab and a bull. We know we are gonna lose, especially since Brooklyn isn't showin' up. I look up real quick to see Newsies on top of the roof. I take a look and find Race leaning on a step looking like he surrenders. Then he gets up and kicks the bull where the sun don't shine. I start laughing.

I look up again to find... Spot and the Brooklyn Newsies!

Spot jumps down and onto a fire escape and yells, "Never fear, Brooklyn is here!" All his newsies pull out slingshots and start firing.

Spot slides down a zip line and knocks out 3 bulls. He spit shakes Jack and he starts to beat up people with his cane. He runs toward the gates and opens it letting in more Brooklynites.

A while later, the Bulls start leaving and we newsies start cheering! I jump down off the wagon and run over to Spot. I tap him on the shoulder and drag him near the gates.

"Ise sorry for last night. Ise didn't mean it to be hurtful." I say looking down at the ground.

"Yeah, well, I came back because Ise knew youse would be there, and hoping to get to know youse betta."

"Yeah, I'd like dat."

We both head back to the group of newsies when Denton comes through the gates and we all smile nicely for a picture. The newsies and I run over to Tibby's to celebrate.

We are drinking root beer when Denton walks into the room. He has a pape in his hand with all of our faces on it.

I walk over to Race and he starts to speak to Mush.
"Glum and dumb. What's the matta with you? You get your picture in the papes, your famous. Your famous, you get anything you want. That's what so great about New York!"

We start to sing.

"A pair of new shoes with matching laces" Mush starts.

"A permanent box at Sheepshed Races." Race adds. Why he always inta gambling?

"A porcelain tub with boiling water" Spot sings. He actually has a nice voice.

"A Saturday night with the mayor's daughter!" Kid Blink yells while standing on top of the table. I give him a mean glare.

"Look at me I'm the King of New York!
Suddenly I'm respectable
Staring right atcha
Lousy with stature" Race whacks Mush with a pape.

"Nubbin' with all the muckety-mucks
I'm blowin' my dough and goin' deluxe!" Jack takes the pape from Race and lays back on the table.

Race sings
"And there I'll be
Ain't I pretty?"

"No your not!" I yell.

"It's my city I'm the king of New York!" Jack and Race both sing.

"A corduroy suit with fitted knickers" says Boots.

Les says, "A mezzanine seat to see the flickers"

Snipeshooter sings "Havana cigars that cost a quarter"

David in which I didn't even know was there sings "An editor's desk for our star reporter!"

All the newsies sing
"Tip your hat
He's the King of New York!"

"How 'bout that?
I'm the King of New York!" says Denton.

Denton gets lifted in his chair and a tablecloth is put over his shoulders.

"In nothing flat
He'll be covering Brooklyn to Trenton
Our man Denton" the newsies sing.

Kid Blink sings "Making a headline out of a hunch"

"Protecting the weak" Denton says

"And paying for lunch" adds in Racetrack

"When I'm at bat Strong men crumble" Denton sings.

Race sings "Proud yet humble"

Denton and Racetrack sing
"I'm/He's the King of New York"

Newsies start to sing
"I gotta be either dead or dreaming 'Cuz look at that pape with my face beaming Tomorrow they may wrap fishes in it But I was a star for one whole minute! Starting now I'm the King of New York!"

"Ain't you hear? I'm the King of New York!"

"Holy cow! It's a miracle Pulitzer's crying Weasel? He's dying! Flashpots are shooting bright as the sun I'm one hifalutin' sonuva gun! Don't ask me how Fortune found me Fate just crowned me Now I'm King of New York! Look and see Once a piker Now a striker I'm the Kin of New York! Victory! Front page story Guts and glory I'm the King of New York!" sings all the newsies.

The rest of the newsies celebrate and later on leave the room.

Tbh this is my fav song. Also I'm sorry for the short chapter. I feel like it is really short. I just had to get this chapter out of the way and done with in order for the good stuff to happen!

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