Chapter 11

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Katniss Everdeen posted in My Friends:

The reaping is today =( Good luck everyone, I hope you don't get reaped in.


Percy Jackson: OMG! The reaping! it''s today! I VOULUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!

Katniss Everdeen: -_-

Annabeth Chase: NO! PERCY! i do not want you dying on me :'(

Leo Valdez: hey Anna, you know that time machine I made you? Can I borrow it?

Annabeth Chase: NO! you are not dying on me either!

Leo Valdez: You didn't notice me calling you Anna? =D

Annabeth Chase: -_-

Katniss Everdeen: GUYS! The Hunger Games is a bad thing. Like VERY VERY bad. It ain't a joke! You don't wanna be reaped in! Didin't we discuss this already?!

Percy Jackson: Bad? It's epic! It's just like Minecraft except it happens in REAL LIFE!

Katniss Everdeen: ugh...Peeta, please help me tell these people that The Hunger Games are bad.

Peeta Mellark: Later! I just saw in a magazine that they are having a baking contest! I'm making these brownies that are bound to win first prize!

Katniss Everdeen: really? a baking contest? when is it?

Peeta Mellark: 2/15/02

Katniss Everdeen: -_- Peeta, that was centuries ago!

Percy Jackson: whoa, you are getting the time mixed up, I believe you meant arounf ten years ago aka decade.

Leo Valdez Likes This.

Peeta Mellark: percy, it was centuries ago. =( I just noticed =( 

Percy Jackson: No! It was nearly a decade! Not centuries!

Annabeth Chase: They are people in the future Percy!

Percy Jackson: 0.0 Oh, i forgot

Leo Valdez has unliked Percy's comment about getting the times mixed up.

Percy Jackson: -_-

Leo Valdez: =D

Leo Valdez: oh btw Peeta, can I have the brownies?

Peeta Mellark: sure.

Leo Valdez has logged off.

Leo Valdez has logged on.

Leo Valdez: hey Annabeth, I need my time machine.

Annabeth Chase: no!

Leo Valdez: why?! it's mine!

Annabeth Chase: cause you are getting brownies and I don't =3

Percy Jackson Likes This.

Leo Valdez: -_-


Sorry for the crappy chapter!

I hope this made you at least smile, although laughter would have been awesome =(

I am having a writer's block right now, and this was all I could come up with.

Please continue VOTING! And commenting your ideas for a chapter of this book.

Thanks! Have a nice day! Or have a nice whatever's left of your day =)

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