Chapter 8 (One-Shot)

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A/N: I'm kinda getting tired of writing chats on facebook so this chapter is going to be a little shorter and different. Hope you like.

Also, the idea for this chapter belongs to PercyJackson4Eva. All credits to her (although I twisted the idea, it still belongs to her)


(At 5:30 in the morning at Camp Half Blood)


Percy Jackson posted in My Friends:



Annabeth Chase: seriously? ugh.

Leo Valdez: whoa! This post like totes scared me! My phone was right next to me and when it beeped, I literally rolled off the bed!

Percy Jackson: LOL....wait aren't we NOT allowed to have cells?

Leo Valdez: I'm a major rule-breaker =)

Piper McLean: will be there soon......

Clarisse La Rue: coming.

Katniss Everdeen: OMG! Can't u like contact them in a private chat or something? This is seriously the WORST way to wake up!

Jason Grace: me is on the way!

The rest of the Councilors: we're on the way.

Mrs. Everdeen: Katniss, stop whining and go to sleep.

Primrose Everdeen: yah! be a good girl :)

Katniss Everdeen: -_-

*Starting from this point on till the end of the One-Shot, characters from THG would not be mentioned.*

Leo's P.O.V (Going to The Meeting at 6:30 AM)

Everyone(Including me) was complaining about waking up THIS early to go to a meeting. Not like I could blame them. Seriously, my heart literally jumped out of my body when my cell phone woke me up! I looked at the alarm clock beside my bed and groaned when I saw it was only 5:45. First time I woke up that early!

I quickly brushed my teeth to get rid of my disgusting breath. Afterwards, I threw on a clean shirt and walked out of the cabin. I saw Percy walking out of his cabin and then I dropped on the floor laughing. Percy saw me and came over to me.

"What's wrong man?" He asked.

"Those are the most ridiculous boxers I've ever seen." I choked out, pointing at his duck boxers. I resumed ROFL while he scowled at me. Then Annabeth walked out, looked at us, then looked at Percy's boxers and laughed while face palming.

"Let's go." She said. I got up and together, we walked toward the Big House. The other councilors were already there looking very tired. "Hey guys." Piper said yawning. I told her hey and slumped down on a chair.

Before I knew it, I fell asleep. When I opened my eyes again, I noticed everyone was sleeping. I looked at the clock on he wall and realized it was 6:45.

"Percy, are you sure we are having a meeting?" I asked him groggily.

He jumped up in surprise hitting his head on the wall. "Huh? I don't-"

"What are you guys doing here?" Chiron asked surprised.

"Percy posted on Facebook that we had a councilors meeting." Clarisse replied.

Chiron turned and looked at Percy. "I said 6:30 in the evening. Why in the world would I start a meeting at 6:30 in the morning?"

Percy paled as everyone (except me) drew their weapons.

"Annabeth! Please tell them all this was a misunderstanding!"

" I could've been in my warm bed right now ya know!" Annabeth said. And with that, everyone chased him out of the big house.

I yawned as I walked out of the big house and into my cabin to my bed. The last thing I heard was Connor yelling "yeah! The savior of Olympus gets attacked my a bunch of demigods!" Then, I heard Travis yell "YOLO!"

~~~~~~~~~~~End Of One Shot~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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