Chapter 4: Test

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After the party, I went home fractic. I found Hannah and told her what had happened with Drew. She drove me right home. I wondered what would happenen if I actually did become... pregnant. 

I wouldn't be able to go back to school, I couldn't run track, I wouldn't be able to take the SATS, so a child would basically ruin my life.

I didn't want to do what I did. Drew forced me. I remember that I kept screaming for Hannah, and my mom, and Kendall. 

Drew hit me once for being too loud, and I just cried for the rest of the time.

"Are you okay?" Hannah interrupted my thoughts

"Yea. I don't know what to do."

"Are you going to tell your mom?"

"Not until I actually take a test."

"Good move."

"You know this is your fault right?"

"How?!" Hannah sounded alarmed

"He said that he liked my dress. The one that you lent me. The one that made me look hot." I put quotations around the word "hot"

"That's not my fault that YOU FOLLOWED HIM!"


There was a long pause before Hannah said anything.

"Look. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken a ninth grader to a party anyways."

"Hannah, it's not your fault. You're right, I shouldn't have followed Drew."

"But what if you do get pregnant? Who's fault is it then?"

"My own. Drew's. That's it."


"No buts. If I get pregnant, Drew is the father. I don't even know him that well. It's going to suck."


Hannah dropped me off at my house, and I ran to my room without even saying hello to my mom. She was probably asleep anyways.

I'm fifteen. I kept saying to myself. Only fifteen. Why did I go to a party? Why did I follow Drew? My life is just one big screwup.

I dialed Nicolette.

"C'mon, Nikki pick up god damnit!"

No answer. I looked at the clock. 11:04. 

I called Hannah to see if she was home yet. 


"Yes? Who is this?"

"Hannah! It's Payton."

"Payton! Are you okay?"

"Yea. Are you home yet?

"No I'm on Oakdale."

"Come back to my house... now."

I heard Hannah breathe into the phone.

"On my way now." She said, obviously annoyed.  

"Thanks Hannah."

I waited outside, feeling sick. When I saw Hannah speeding around the corner, I felt my stomach churn.


I clenched my stomach as Hannah pulled into my driveway.

"Payton! Are you okay? You look awful."

"CVS. Now."

Without saying anything, Hannah drove right to CVS.

Hannah walked me in, looking at me standing there for a minute, and pulled my arm to the back of the pharmacy.

"Just what we need." Hannah exclaimed, pulling a box off of a shelf. 

"What is it?" I asked

"You'll see." 

It was all too confusing. I was watching Kendall and then I went to Chris' and then Drew "had fun" with me and now Hannah is buying a box. 

Before I knew it, we were back in the car and Hannah was opening the box. 

"Ugh. I see now."

"Read the box. I don't feel like explaining."

"Thank you Hannah."

Hannah drove and we rode in silence. 

I got out of the car. 

"T-thank you Hannah."

"Always, Payton."



"HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAYTON!" was written all over my SpacePage profile.

A big "1" popped up

"Collin Tate has left a comment on a private wall 'Happy bday babe;)"

I cleared the history and walked into the kitchen.

"Happy birthday sweethart!" My mom said, emerging from her bedroom.

"Hi mom. Thanks."

"Oh. I think that I might have something for you"

"Oh really?" I smiled

"Toby and Robbie gave me the idea. Kendall picked it out. I payed for it. I love you."


I pulled out a box from inside a bag. I tore the tape off of that box, and there it was, sealed in bubblewrap. A MacBook Air. Tiny, clean, and new.

"Ah mom! I love it! Thank you thank you thank you!"

"Haha of course sweethart. Now get ready or you will be late!"

I tore down the hallway and raced up the stairs, almost falling twice. I was so happy. I couldn't believe it. I had MY OWN LAPTOP!"


I walked into my bathroom with the box that I had kept high on a shelf in my closet.



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2014 ⏰

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