Chapter Four

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Magnus threw a button down shirt into a suitcase. "I can't believe you agreed for me!" he shouted at Cat, who was sat at the end of his bed.

    "If I didn't agree you would have said no!"

    "And here I thought you didn't know me at all." Magnus grumbled. "That's the point! I can't live in a castle! Especially one that houses him!"

    "The first stage to recovery is admittance. Just admit you have the hots for Prince Alexander!"

    "Who wouldn't." he mumbled. Cat gasped. "Fine! I think he's hot, and has the most beautiful eyes that I could look at for days on end, and a contagious smile and adorable laugh, and the most lovable blush—"

    "My god! How long have you stared at him!" she laughed. "I think the change of scenery will do you some good. Who knows, maybe you'll like it better there than here." Magnus sighed, throwing the last few outfits into the suitcase.

    "I hope you're right."

The next day Alec, in his usual limousine, drove up to the store. Instead of the prince coming out to meet Magnus, the butler, who said his name was Hodge, took his suitcases and placed them in the trunk of the car. He opened the door, and Magnus slipped into the back seat. He found Alexander waiting for him.

    "Good morning, Magnus." Alec said wearing a smile.

    "Good morning, Alec."

    "I'm glad to see that you didn't change your mind. My sister can't wait to meet you. She already has many ideas waiting for you." Magnus laughed. For the next few minutes they talked about New York and all the things Alec didn't get to see, until the partition was rolled down, and Hodge poked his head into the back.

    "Your highness, it's the queen." Alec nodded. For Magnus the whole sentence sounded strange, but for Alec it seemed like a normal thing to hear. Hodge passed a phone to Alec.

    "Hello mother—yes we are on our way to the airport...yes...I understand. I didn't tell you because i knew Izzy would tell you, and sure enough she did. My apologies, mother. Wait—Aline? Pardon me, Miss Penhallow. Can we discuss this when I arrive home? Yes, will do. Goodbye mother." Alec hung up the phone and sighed, putting his head in his hands. Hodge took the phone from Alec, and closed the partition. Magnus didn't know what to do.

    "If I'm a bother to your family, then I don't have to come—"

"No, no, it's not about you.'s a long story. Maybe i'll explain it to you someday soon." Magnus, in the heat of the moment, unbuckled his seat belt and scooted closer to Alec, in attempted to comfort him, and it seemed to work. Alec smiled again, and they talked about the things Magnus would love about Idris. Before they could finish their conversation, the car hit a bump in the road, and Magnus, who never put  his seatbelt back on, fell onto Alec, who caught him with great ease. Magnus, who was basically lying on Alec's lap, and Alec, who's arms were wrapped protectively around Magnus', stared at each other. Magnus' gaze moved down from Alec's eyes to his lips. Alec's lips twitched into a slight smile. They both leaned forward, to the point were he could feel the prince's breath against his skin. Then almost like in every romance movie, they were interrupted by the car swerving in New York traffic. Magnus fell back into his seat, and buckled his seatbelt. An awkward air  hung around them, as they sat in complete silence the rest of the drive. When they arrived at the airport, they processed into checking with very minimal conversation, and when they boarded The Royal Family's private jet, they sat separately. The only time Magnus would see Alec, was when Alec would turn around every now and then just to make sure Magnus was alright. The ten hour long flight felt like eternity. If only he had been smart enough to put on his seat belt, he and Alec wouldn't have to be so awkward around each other. Seat belts save lives, and if he just listened to that saying, maybe his social life with Alexander wouldn't be dead.


You could cut the awkwardness with a knife, it was so thick. The sad part of this entire situation was that Alec didn't end up kissing Magnus. Maybe Magnus didn't want him to. Maybe he just want's to get paid and move back to New York. Maybe this entire idea was stupid. Magnus hadn't even talked to Alec since the 'incident', and Alec didn't understand what to do. It's not like he could call his sister and ask for advice. Mainly because if she knew that he had a crush on her stylist, she would use it as blackmail for the rest of Alec's life. Every time Alec would turn around to catch a glimpse of Magnus, he would always look away, and leave Alec feeling worse. Maybe Magnus was right. Maybe their relationship should be strictly work based, and nothing else. Alec closed his eyes, and prayed the flight would be over soon.

After the eternity long flight, they landed in Idris. The doors of the plane opened, and the sound of cameras going off rang loudly. Alec looked over to Hodge.

    "Can't we send them away? I'm not Isabelle. I can't do large crowds especially those that have cameras." Alec whispered.

    "That would be very rude, your highness. All you have to do is smile, wave, and walk straight into the car waiting for you." Alec took in a breath. Hodge patted his back. Alec looked over at Magnus, who gave him a smile. Strictly professional, he reminded himself.

    "Time to head out." Alec told him, keeping a straight face. He walked past Magnus to stand in the opening of the plane. Alec put on a fake smile and waved to the reporters. Alec gripped onto the railing, and walked down the steps, one by one, until both his feet touched the ground. Magnus was right behind him, followed by Hodge and Alec's security detail.  Alec did exactly as Hodge told him to do. He smiled, waved, and walked into the limo. When everyone was seated in the car, Alec closed his eyes, and leaned his head against the car's window. It's been a long day, and it was about to get even long.

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