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Austin vulnerable he just wanted Alan back, he missed him so much. He knew he did something wrong but, he only loved Alan not her.

"Stop moping around let's go somewhere!" Vic yelled. He didn't want to see his best friend sad especially on his birthday.

"Look who's talking" Austin mumbled.

"Look it was a misunderstanding we are back together again but that doesn't matter right now just get your ass up" Vic said excitedly.

"Fine" he muttered. He wasn't really excited but he knew not to protest. He quickly put jeans and a sweater, after all it was cold.

"Done!" Austin yelled. Vic pulled him out the door into his car.

"So, mind telling me where we are going?" Austin asked.

"It's for me to know and for you not to" Vic responded and received a scoff.

Throughout the drive Austin didn't stop asking where they were going, but Vic didn't say a word.

"Ugh, shut up we're here!"

"Vic you know I hate fancy restaurants and I'm so underdressed in this place" Austin whined. He was worried, why would he bring him here?

Vic rolled his eyes but walked nonetheless, as Austin followed. As they entered the restaurant, Vic whispered something to the waitress and led them to a beautiful table outside.

"Here you go, have fun!" the cheery waitress.

Austin was still confused, it wasn't a holiday why was everyone so happy.

"Austin" a soft voice said. Austin knew that voice, he couldn't believe it. He didn't want to look, he thought he was hallucinating or something.

"Happy Birthday!" people yelled. He looked around and saw everyone he knew but he was only focused on one person, Alan

this book has been shitty lately sorry

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