KISMET Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

I was woke by Joe standing at my bedside his little face all sad and close to tears.

"What's the matter baby boy?" I asked him.

His bottom lip wobbled.

"Oh dear, come here and lie with mummy. I could do with one of my little boy cuddles," I said lifting the quilt for him to climb in.

We snuggled up and I kissed his forehead as I stroked his hair. His eyes closed as he let a huge sigh.

"That is a big sigh for such a little boy," I said. "What made you sad?" I asked.

"Daddy's gone," he whispered.

Liam had obviously popped out but to a child like Joe when Daddy went out he usually didn't come back or came back drunk and beat him up.

"Where did Daddy go?" I asked.

He shrugged and his bottom lip drooped again.

"Didn't you ask him?" I asked.

He shook his head and started to cry. Squeezing me tight as he tried not too.

"Well I am sure he will be back soon and if he knew you were going to be upset he would have told you where he was going and when he would be back," I said reassuringly but also wondering in my own mind where had he gone.

"Can we ring him?" he asked.

"I don't have his number babe," I said feeling guilty for not getting it.

"Ooooowwwww," he said and started to cry again.

"Shhh he'll be back soon," I said trying to calm him.

Tyson appeared in the door way. "What's up mate?" he asked Joe.

Joe was too busy hyperventilating and sobbing buckets of tears.

"Daddy.... Gone.... Bwahhhhh," he managed to say.

"He'll be back in a minute," Tyson said coming over to sit on the end of the bed and reach over to stroke Joe's head.

"I.... need.... him..... now," Joe sobbed.

"Do you want me to ring him for you?" Tyson asked.

Joe stopped sobbing for a second in shock that someone had his Daddy's phone number. He nodded. Tyson took out his phone and dialled Liam's number.

"Hiya matey, yeah she is fine. Joe wants to speak to you, hold on." Tyson said and handed Joe the phone.

"Daddy...." he sobbed.

He waited for Liam's answer and then burst into tears again.

"Come back," he sobbed.

Liam spoke on the other end of the phone and Joe listened through his tears.

"I need you to come back now please," he said making Tyson and I look at each other as our hearts melted. "My hearts hurting cos you're gone," he said putting his little hand on his chest. Tyson and I turned to mush. "Yeah..... Mmmm....." he leaned over to me and pursed his lips for a kiss, I leant forward and gave him one and then he bent down and kissed the baby bump. "Ok.....Mmmm hmmmm......." he giggled. "Love you too Daddy," he said and blew a kiss down the phone. Then passed it to Tyson, "Daddy wants you," he said his tears subsiding.

Tyson put the phone to his ear and cleared his throat before talking, "Sorry I'm a bit choked up......... yeah more than happy too.......... Ok see you in a minute mate."

Tyson put the phone back in his pocket and then put his arms out to Joe, "Come on then," he said and Joe popped up and into his arms. Looked around at me and smiled with tears stained cheeks and wet eyelashes.

KISMET (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 1) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now