Empty Bus

8 1 0

A girl sits in the back.

Left alone,

yet never really lonely.

Nobody approaches her,

Never asks her for a seat if they need one.

She has never threatened,

nor rejected someone in need,

It simply wasn't her style.

She holds her iPod

in a never faltering embrace,

a lifeline to mental silence.

Yet one day, she no longer wants it.

She no longer wants the silence,

rather the smart talking punk nearby.

Unrivaled in verbal battles,

this Punk has strength


from every gesture,

every word,

even the way she walked.

The girl with her earbuds jammed in,

the girl with insight and strength,

they become stronger together.

They unite.

Nobody would have guessed how close they would get,

nor that one was practically carried by the other at times.

One day,

she's gone.

The earbuds go back in,

the silence continued once more.

No one would guess,

that the quiet one in the back,

was crying.


as the Punk called herself,

was not to be seen,

not to be heard from

until much later.

She was hurt.

Then she was sick.

She was needed.

The girl in the back,

had swallowed her pride for once.

She had said needed things,

but a grenade still churned within her,

threatening to explode.

When she looked up,

a day she needed comfort the most,

all she saw,

was the

Empty Bus

Poems of the (not-so) HeartlessWhere stories live. Discover now