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James tried to calm him down before mom and dad entered the room, and punish them all for bickering and acting like little fools. Thats when Samya said,

" We are family and we should not fuss or fight. How bout we turn to something that we all will like."

Nyair stopped kicking, and shouting as he got up off
the floor. He said,

" That sounds fair. I agree and I will not scream, shout, or kick the floor anymore."

So it was agreed, no one bickered, fussed or fight.

They sat on the couch layed on the floor and watched T.V peacefully that night.

The End

Copyright © 2016 |hello_gurl34|
Anita-Joy Caldwell | BEYOND EYESIGHT |

No parts of this story may be reproduced in any way shape or form by any means,
electrical or mechanical without written permission from the author.

This is purely a work of fiction, names, places, characters, or
incidents are products of the author's imagination and are used fictitiously.
Any resemblance to actual events, locals or peoples either living or dead
is all purely coincidental.

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