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The voluptuous Demi, extinguished the once burning flame which threatened to consume her the moment Nelchael.  Or Nate,his needs new waltzed back into her life. It was rare for beings such as them to maintain their former identities. After all the were no longer the heavenly entities whom served under "God". The Alpha and Omega. The infinite being whom created the entire universe. The entity who created Adam and Eve. The one who "Man" call "Lord" other times "Father." Yes that God, the one who created his angels to serve his most prized creation " Man". The very same God who cast out his angels into the unfamiliar and dangerous territory of Earth. And for what? Because a handful of them, including Demi herself had an opinion. An opinion which had dire consequences.

Consequences which led to the fall of hundreds of angels. Brothers and sisters of both Demi and Nelchael. Siblings that truly did not deserve such a harsh reaction from their "Father." We're they not his children as well? We're they not deserving of their own thoughts? Could they not think for themselves as "Man" could? Apparently not since they were punished for such thoughts. Already Demi bit her bottom lip in irritation at the very thought. She recalled the screams of her fellow family as they were forced from their home in a blinding light which weakened them just enough to throw them out as if they were garbage. Demi recalled the last glimpse of her beloved home before being dragged out. With her eyes scanning the horizon awaiting her close friend Nelchael. Back in those days Demi was a rookie when it came to being an angel. Especially one of such angels with a title of importance.

As the "Angel of Lore" it was Demi's job to collect information on "Man" and equally disperse it in healthy doses into the Angel society. It was quite interesting to think that "God" believed that she could help educate the Angels on the humans they were created to protect. At that time Demi was nothing compared to Nelchael.  Nelchael never truly was given a title by "God". Or their Father. There are "9  Choirs of Angels" because even Angels had a sort of heiarchy in order to keep them in line. Why? Because in truth yes "God " is an omnipotent being able to be wherever and whenever he pleased. But that did not mean that he always had his "All Seeing Eye" was always on the angels. To deter the remaining angels from falling like the others,the great Arcangel Michael decided to create a system for the angels. A system specifically created by Michael to keep the angels in check. For even the great Michael shed tears when his father "God " punished his fellow brothers and sisters.

And so he created the lowest of all 9 choirs. "The Angels " or angels in general whom do not carry a name of purpse are in direct contact with "Man". Dealing with affairs such as becoming "Guardian Angels" to Man. Then there are the "Arcangels". Yes I'm sure you are thinking that surely the angels ranked with the great Michael himself would be higher on his own tier. Surely. But no. For even Michael realized he was not the strongest of angels,as such he was fair in the ranking of angels like him. Yet the role of "Arcangels " holds an important significance. Since they are leader Angels who carry out God's important plans for man. After the "Arcangels " it is the "Principalities" who are in a sense Prince and Princess Angels. Yes there is royalty even within the angels. These angels rule over the lower angels. In other words they are the voice and authority of the lower angels. There are 6 more tiers of angels but we can learn more about them later.

In the early days of heaven before the system hierarchy was created for the angels. And ultimately the fall of many angels the young Demi,at the time known as Demiliel. Was just getting the hang of being the "Angel of Lore " She was quite the shy angel despite her being more than comfortable when her feminine wilds since coming to earth. Demiliel remained by Nelchael's side who was renowned for his strength and overall loyalty. And even till this day he was forever loyal to the "Brother "He and Demi share. In fact his loyalty could even rival her own,considering the fact that Nelchael was chosen to watch after the most sinful creature in exsistence. Back in the days where handling information with care was essential,Demiliel let some vital information slip. Information that in truth she did not believe could be so horrible. But it was. And what was this information? One thing. "Man had free will".

Yes,unlike angels like Demiliel "Man " was given the gift of free will. Something that angels lacked. Something that angels were not even fully aware of. And for the first time since creation their was conflict. Conflict between God's fellow creations. His children. Angels vs Man. They were jealous of Man. Jealous that they got to choose whether to serve God or not. Whether to obey his will or choose another path. Angels were not so lucky in the department. Angels were created in order to serve Man,not God. And this infuriated many of the angels.

Because why would they beings of power serve those lesser than them? Shouldn't the weak serve the strong? It was this ripple of disturbance in their paradise that shook the world as Demi and Nathaniel knew it. Now instead of being "Home" a place they truly felt free and happy. To a place where survival meant everything. If it wasn't followers of "God " or "The Powers " warrior angels sent from heaven to fight in this Holy war. It was the demons and cults that surrounded the fall of angels. And right at that very moment a certain well known cult was making a dangerous move that could threaten all of humanity and angel kind.

Demi flagged the bartender her way,batting her lush lashes at the blushing man before ordering a Coke and Rum. "Y'know for someone as experienced as you,your making some dangerous enemies."Demi commented while casually resting  her cheek against her hand. "It seems like your losing your touch Nelchael. You were barely able to locate the entrance to this place."Demi continued,her razor sharp tongue cutting Nathaniel deep like a serrated blade. She was right,he was losing his touch. With centuries of years on the run had not been too kind to Nathaniel. Every day he chose not to stretch his wings,in fear of being discovered. Or more in fear or Morah being discovered,bit by bit his essence was fading. And he feared that sooner or later his protection charm on Morah would wither away. Nate knew it was only a matter of time. Yet he prayed to whomever would heed his plea. To keep her safe. "The Nelchael I knew was a warrior of God
" "Well things have changed,wouldn't you say?"Nate combated catching Demi off guard. He was right,things were no longer black and white. You could no longer tell who was on what side just by looking. It was a dog eat dog world and it just so happened that Morah was in the dead center of it all.

"Your right about that,which is why we "Fallen" have to stick together."Demi announced as the bartender placed her rum and coke in front of her. Earning a pleasant smile from the coy Demi. "Right but knowing you,I won't be getting any information for free."Nathaniel muttered causing an evident smirk to appear on Demi's lips. "Now,I didn't say your payment had to be a harsh one."Demi began before casually pressing her plump cleavage against Nate's arm. "All I ask is for your company tonight is all. After all,we are allies."Demi whispered before licking her bottom lip knowing that surely even Nathaniel who had yet to enjoy the pleasures of flesh knew what she was insinuating. Catching her drift Nathaniel slowly wrapped his strong arm around Demi's full waist. Tugging her closer to his masculine form,he then pressed his warm lips against Demi's earlobe. Causing her entire body to shudder in delight. It was the first time she had even been so close to Nelchael. It was her one sin of being one with him the drove her to fall by his side. And to think that this was the moment she might truly have her deepest desire realized; Demi couldn't help but to release a audible gasp at the sudden sensation of Nate's lips against her already firey flesh.

"Contract accepted."Demi breathed,her words striking both fallens to the core. Making eye contact the two knew that once a contract was made it could not be broken. Sealed in something much stronger than blood,to angels a contract was a promise. A promise that could never be broken. Knowing she had won her desire after all this time,Demi settled back in her seat. Allowing her nonchalant and business like personal to resurface. "Very well then Nelchael, in exchange I will keep my end of the bargain."Demi explained all the while taking of sip of her beverage. "I'm sure your aware of the many cults created by the Wiccan of Earth in order to serve our "Lord."Demi began while fiddling with a loose strand of her raven hair. Everyone knew about the cults based off of Angel Lore. But their was a single cult which was the center of all. And why? Because it was based off of the first fallens in history.

"Yes,there are branches of them everywhere. Why are you asking about them?"Nathaniel questioned before noticing Demi's almond hued orbs slowly began to pulsate with their previous holy aura. "The question you should be asking is why aren't you asking about them? They've been training you for months,and you had no idea."

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