Chapter 1

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My name is Asher Clarke. I am the current Emperor of Luminos. Although, I was not born into the seat of power. I lead a coup against the former Emperor and his corrupt government long ago. I write this tale, not just for my descendants, but for the people of Luminos, to perhaps read, some day in the future. I wish to tell my story, my way, not the way the media would like it told.

In Luminos, children are allowed to enjoy their childhoods, while being guided by the government, until they turned 18. That's when you were forced into whatever field you were born to do. In my case, I was with the military guiding me my whole life as a child. It wasn't overly difficult or rigorous, but it did prepare me for the day that I would leave to join the army.

Everyone is born with an Emora, be it from casting flames, to conjuring shields out of thin air, we all have something that makes us unique. No two people can channel it the same way, and as you get older and learn more about yourself, the more powerful you become.

The general who oversaw my training, Ironhide, was born with a shield Emora. As he got older and focused more on understanding himself, he learned he could make his skin as hard as steel, which no blade could pierce. He became notorious in the military and amongst his enemies for being nearly unkillable.

Myself, I was born with a spade. This meant that I had no magic to conjure. I could not manipulate the elements. I couldn't do anything that normal people could do. What I was given, instead, was heightened senses, greater speed, greater strength, than any other man. It wasn't particularly unique to me, about 200 or so other people in the empire had the same Emora, but it was quite uncommon. This made me a huge asset to the army.

As I had mentioned, I was brought up around soldiers and generals and war machines. Over the centuries, many in the military used their Emora to design and create giant metal beasts, all powered by concentrated Emora. See, some people can put a part of themselves into objects, like boots, or a forge. But the government very quickly discovered this ability, and invested heavily into learning how to make more powerful infusions easier.

But my story didn't start in the camps and barracks, per se. Mine started as a young boy, rather than the old man that you all see today.

When I was about 10, there was a knock on my door. I opened it, and saw General Ironhide standing there, with three men behind him. I had gotten to know the general growing up, so I invited him in without hesitation.

"Hello, Mr. Clarke." He greeted me with a slight bow, and a light smile on his face. "Is your father home, by chance?"

"Yeah," I answered, "Want me to get him for you?"

"No, no, no. That's not necessary. However, can you get your mother for me?"

"Of course, sir!" I had attempted to salute, but failed, much to the general's amusement. Then I ran to get my mother, and brought her to the door to meet the four men.

"Madam, I need you and young Asher to go with the corporal here on a drive, while I have a chat with your husband." His eyes pierced my mother with the fire of a dozen suns, and she agreed almost immediately, tears softly rolling down her cheek.

The corporal escorted us to the car, and we got in the backseat while he drove. I was perplexed as to why my mother was crying, but she absolutely refused to tell me anything. When we got home an hour later, my father was gone. Again, no one would tell me anything. It wasn't until a month later that I found out.

My father was involved with a rebel faction that had the goal of overthrowing the emperor, and publicly spoke out against the empire, even inciting riots and committing acts of terrorism. He had grown up under the empire's thumb, and when I was born, it infuriated him further, knowing his son would eventually fight for those who he deemed the enemy of the people.

And of course, my brainwashed self believed that my father was a terrorist and deserved to hang for what he did. I spent the next 10 years carrying a hatred for him as a result of that, and an even deeper hatred for the rebel faction that he fought with. Razor. Their main motto was that they would the blade that would end the emperor themselves. It was their rallying cry, even.

But I grew up knowing that one day I would have the chance to end them once and for all, for the redemption of my family, and for the honor and glory of the empire. Little did I know how my life would turn out.

The Luminos EmperorWhere stories live. Discover now