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Emora. The strange attribute that gives our world life. Everyone has it in some way, be it the ability to use magic, or having natural force-fields, eveyone is unique in how they use it. Emora is more of a genetic trait, really. More akin to a mutation than anything else, it was gifted upon humanity thousands of years ago. As we grow older, our understanding of our own Emora grows as well. For example, someone who has a flame-oriented Emora could use their thumb as a lighter, then when they learn more about themselves, they could cast formidable fireballs at will. There's an orientation for each of the elements, plus the skill-based attributes. For whatever reason, it is branded upon us at birth, as a sort of strange birhmark. Those who do not have a elemental Emora can have a shield-looking branding which represents the ability to block incoming objects, like a plate your wife threw, or the sword coming directly towards you. The council who governs over the cities and towns of our empire decide who has what type of job based on our Emora. Now, this being said, we are in a time of peace. Our Emora's are not used as weapons, but as tools. Granted, the empire does have an army, but they all have skill-based Emora, as they are essentially chosen by the gods themselves, and the council recognizes this and that is why we are selected. I am one of these soldiers. Or at least, I was.

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