Untitled Part 2

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His name wasn't really Red.


It's been three days and we've said no more than two words to each other. Physics has turned out to be quite the fun class. My teacher, Mr. B, is only nine years older than us making him the coolest adult at this school. "Okay class now we're going to be working in groups for a little activity I like to call White boarding." He begins to explain as he walks around the room ," Each group will get a whiteboard, a question, 20 minutes of prep time, and 5 minutes to present. Now if you don't have any questions, your assignment is numbered off according to your table number, oh and have fun." Great, he expects me to teach the class when I can't even teach myself. "Don't worry we're doing it as a group so if anything I can do most of the talking," Red replies to a statement I didn't realize I vocalized. " Um okay, so we have question 5 so any ideas," I laugh trying to cut the tension but it only seemed to make matters worse since none of us actually knew what we were doing no matter how much we faked it. " It's not that hard it's basically algebra with bigger numbers and a few more steps," Red says in such a cool manner even I almost believe he knows exactly what he's talking about. "Algebra? Are you serious this is nothing like algebra," I laugh," but if you're so sure you know how you go ahead and solve it. We'll see how good you are." " I didn't say I could solve it. I just said it was simple, like algebra." "Nothing about numbers is simple." "Not when you over think it. So stop overthinking." With that he got up and began writing Question 5 across the top of our whiteboard in blue marker. "Maybe we just use the equation he just gave us" Anthony says, the first thing he's said to us in the last three days of school. "Um yeah actually I think you're right" "That can't be right. There's no way. Not one thing in that equation is given to us and we can't solve anything with an empty equation. Let's read the question again. It's asking for what I believe is the slope which means we us y = mx + b which I assume we use the coordinates to find the missing pieces...." He interrupts. "But why would he give us an equation we don't use? What's the point?" "Well we don't always use what we learn and it's not the the question is asking so the equation makes no sense in this problem." "I'm not sure.." "Why are you questioning me so much just accept it." "No you see Blue a man has to always question their women, that's just how it works." "Fine you solve it however you want but I know I'm right." "I will solve it" and with that he ducks his head and begins to work on a problem we both knew he could not solve.

He kept his word. He presented for all 5 minutes, and even though I'm sure he knew nothing, he spoke so smoothly, so confidently, that I think even our teacher believed him. But long behold, and who really ever doubted, I was right. Yet I couldn't bring myself to say I told you so. The bell rang as soon as my behind hit the seat, " Ugh how annoying." "That's school for you," he says, throwing his backpack over his shoulder. "Aren't you glad it's ending," I laugh. " Very." I've been waiting my whole life for this year, this final year, but in that moment, I had not yet realized just how much I didn't want high school to end.


The Now

"Come on Blue just come with us," Red complained through the phone as I sat on my small twin size bed," it's time you take a break from school and remember you have friends." "Red I don't have my car there is no way I can drive from San Diego home right now I'm sorry" "I'm on my way to pick you up silly just be ready" "But I can't just.." "Nope" he interrupts," I'm almost there and I expect you to be ready and treat me to a nice college dinning experience" "Ugh see you then" I hang up and lean against the wall, considering coming up with yet another excuse he will refuse to listen too. If I didn't know better I would think he wanted to see me as much as I wanted to see him. But I do know better and even if he didn't mention it I know he's not coming here alone. I know she's in the passenger seat, with her hand on his thigh, and his heart in her hand. 

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