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Getting rid of long introductions, hey! Here's me, I'm Claire and I'm twenty years old, I came from a small village in the east of U.K, Norwich. I moved into London to start my studies in fine arts. But yeah, what was supposed to be the best time ever, is becoming the worst. I was literally alone in the big city. I have no money, or well, not too much so going home was difficult. Basically I'll go once twice months or so.

I live in a small apartment with my friend, well, my only friend, Paul, he's twenty years too, gay, and too good to be true. I hope all boys to be like him because he's awesome. Really awesome, I don't know what I would do without him.

We both work, I work in a cupcake shop and he has the good one, he's currently working in a tattoo parlour, and it's so much fun and cool. But doing cakes is cool too, but I wish I could do something related to art. As much as I try I keep doing my art for me and Paul, and well, our house.

But you probably will be wondering why is the worst time ever, what I said now is not that bad, at least is not something that many people has to do... but yeah for me was different, I was heartbroken and I feel so alone. Let me explain it: I was not alone at all because I have Paul, but my dear ex boyfriend tried to pull me down so much, and basically when he dumped me, he blocked everyone and he has invented all but lies to leave me in the bad position, so basically everyone thinks that I'm a whore and a liar, and nobody wants to be by my side. Thanks Steve!

At first everything was fine, cool, you know the cool guy in class and the cute girl, if you can call me cute, but yeah, we were made for each other until when he wanted to know every single little thing about me and my life, I had no privacy and that was chocking me more and more with the time. So one day I decided to stop it, and that was when everything turns wrong. He said to the class mates that he caught me sleeping with some other guy, and that he wasn't the first, he messed up with my class work and ruined some of my projects, and rumours were spread all over the campus.

So yeah now, you have a little clue of how I feel.

But this is not about my past, this is about now, so let's get started.


Hey girls!

This is me again with another story, the start is basically similar to my other story, well I mean the characters (sorry but I like them a lot and I wanted to put them on this one too, but giving them a complete change on the story). Moving on, I hope yoy guys like this one, it's a bit different, as you can see it's an AU so... tell me what do you think with the intro and stuff.


Would You Keep Me Sane? // Richard Madden *AU*Where stories live. Discover now