At the Hospital.

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//POV Sofie//
We arrive at the hospital not long after the ambulance. They are saying it was close to "her first shift" and she hasnt had enough water. They are able to tell because we have so many shifters in the area. Its a common thing.
They told us things like "she'll be okay" and "There is no need to worry" but I was all but worried, she wasnt in the ICU but was staying a night in the hospital, room 111 at the end of the corridor. As we were walking down I was looking in every room, just to see if I knew anyone that was in there and in room 108 I saw a all but infamous black and white haired wolf.
"Rebel?!" I had so many things running through my mind as I went into the room. "Rebel Heartnick? What are you doing here?! And why are you in wolf form, are you okay?!" I had remember, after asking, that he was on drugs, and had disowned Justin and I.. So we left. It only took us one more room to find another class mate, a new kid, I think they saod his name was something like Leo. We kept walking, he looked beat up though, I couldnt stop thinking about him. As we got to Nightshades room, I saw a beautiful bright red fox, so that was her animal.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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