Clandestine Crew

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            Each step padded against the pavement, matching the racing pulse of my heart. Adrenaline flowed through my veins as I tried to focus on counting each movement. I used anything I could in order to distract me from the ache in my calves. I couldn’t stop now. I wouldn’t bear to let myself stop even if I desired to. 

            Sixty-one, sixty-two, sixty-three…

            With every forced breath, I could hear the running footsteps behind me. Desperate to outrun whoever it was this time, I took a sharp and hopefully unanticipated turn. To my luck, I landed in an alleyway just behind a main department store. I heard a few shouts from behind me. Locating a back door, I urgently yanked on the handle and pulled the metal door back, it grinding on its rusted hinges. A door unlocked for my escape seemed too good to be true, but I didn’t stay long enough to doubt it any further.

            As I quietly shut the door behind me, I took in the sight in of the newest setting. It was definitely a mall, just like what I had alleged. Racks of shoes lined the carpets and the rush of the people flooded the landscape. Fortunately, that made blending in almost effortless. Without looking suspicious, I inched away from the door and tried to lose myself in a crowd. The endless chatter of excited people disguised my heaving breaths as I tried to regain them and pull myself together. I didn’t know if I could stay hidden for much longer, but at least it would buy me some time.

            Making hasty decisions, I determined it would obviously be best to leave the store I came in from. I settled on the mall court yard as I attempted to locate the exit. If I went out the opposite way I came in, that would mean leaving from the front. I wondered if cops were already lined up, predicting that move. I could never be sure of anything.

            I knew I needed more time to think of something a little more impressive than making my escape plan involve the front entrance. I rounded the corner to find a long corridor leading to the bathroom. Jogging down it, I couldn’t find an exit but it offered concealment. Slumping down on to the cold tile ground, I laid my head in my knees to just have a second to catch my breath and think clearly. I needed to stop being so careless all the time. I was getting shoddy with the way I handled things nowadays.

            Not giving in yet, I pulled my weight up, my body being tired and worn out. I hadn’t slept in days. I couldn’t sleep in days, but I wasn’t giving up just yet. I wandered around the hallway, trying to think fast. I questioned if the cops were already searching the mall on the inside or lining the perimeter, waiting for my exit.

            I rested my head back, banging it against the wall.

You’ve done this a million times before.

This time I closed my eyes, just to rid the clouds from my mind. I opened them slowly, not ready to face the reality just yet. The sunlight hit my face, warming it to a pleasant temperature.

And then everything became clear.


I looked up and saw the small window near the top of the ceiling where streams of sunlight were pouring through. I climbed on top of the water fountain and tried the lock. It budged open with no problem. The opening of the window was miniscule and it would be a tight squeeze, but I knew I could wiggle my way through.

I peeked through the open window, making sure the coast was clear first. The window led out to the side of the mall. Fortunately, there was no sign of people besides a few passerbies.  It was almost too easy.

I threw my legs out first, not wanting to land with my head facing down. My jeans got caught on the window sill but it was only a matter of seconds to twist myself free again. My leather jacket had slipped by perfectly. As I inched the rest of my body out, I dangled from the outside of the mall building. I had underestimated the height and the drop of the window, but it was too late. I couldn’t turn back now. I gazed down at the amount of space between my feet and the ground, but I turned the fear away as quick as it came.

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