Chapter 1

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I do not own avengers what so ever. I added a couple more scenes and got rid of a couple. Enjoy (:

Chapter 1

She put her gun down with the others in her suitcase, securing it in place carefully. Picking up her bow she examined it, the cold metal material biting at her skin, but she didn't mind it, because it was comforting in a way. She ran her figures along the silhouette of the weapon, the raven black shine it gave off was beautiful but, deadly. Even more deadlier in her hands so to say. She gently put the bow along with the arrows back in to their case making sure the locks were locked properly, before turning her attention to packing up her knives and guns. She scanned her room one last time, seeing if she forgotten anything that might be of use for this mission.

Finally zipping up her suitcase, she began to make her way down and out the front door. Outside the small house was a sleek black car waiting for her. She swiftly locked the door behind her and began to walk down the small driveway. It was nice outside, clear blue skies and a soft breeze it the air, it was anything but normal for London. It was strange.

"Good morning Spencer, off on a little holiday with ya dad are ya?" said a cheery voice belonging to no other then Mrs. Cheroki. A smile pressed firmly on her face as she got up from her porch to get a better look of Spencer.

She smiled back before replying, "Uh yes"

"Well where are you to off to? It's to beautiful of a day to be traveling anywhere."

"I agree, but we're off to France to visit family" she lied smoothly.

"Oh beautiful country I remember taking my kids there. Oh the fun we had! Be sure to have fun. And don't forget to where sunscreen, I hear the weather has been very hot these pass few weeks. Don't want to burn up do we?" Mrs Cheroki rambled. Spencer all but nodded at her remarks and walked on towards the car. Ever since her father and her moved to the new house, Mrs. Cheroki would always come over talking none stop about anything. That wasn't even the worst part, she's the type of person that wouldn't think before opening their mouths. On one occasion calling Spencer to fat for a young women her age and that she would "never find the love of her life if God depended on it". Needless to say the comments didn't bother Spencer, only annoyed her.

She only gave Mrs. Cheroki a warm smile in reply to her comments. She put her belongings in the back then slipped into the front of the car where her dad was on the phone. He gave her a smile as he put the car into drive and the vehicle started to stroll down the small neighbourhood.

"So we're headed to France?" Spencer asked

"Paris to be more exact" he replied

"What did Johanna say?" Spencer said knowing sure well that was who he was talking to earlier, "Are we going to be assassins this week or spies?"

"Our job is never one over the other it's-"

" 'Always both' I know" Spencer sighed in annoyance. She was getting bored of this life, but it was the only life she ever knew. The only thing that she had close to her. Never has she lived a normal life, but yet again this to her was normal. Maybe one day she can retire early and just enjoy life with no worries, rather then constantly having to look over her shoulders. One day she will leave this all behind and never look back at it again for it only pained her further then it already has.

"She said that she sent details about the mission in a file this morning. I haven't looked it over yet. It's in the dashboard cabinet." he said motioning to the compartment in front of his daughter.

"What else did she say. I know that wasn't all." Spencer teased, knowing full well that director Mason, tends to go in to full depth detail about missions when debriefing.

"I don't know and I don't care." her dad replied sassily. Spencer only laughed at he dads little attitude.

She opened the cabinet revealing a medium size file, containing various different types of confidential documents. Spencer flipped through the pages scanning them over quickly. Wanted criminal to bring back if seen, important people that are in the city, location details, blue prints of important buildings, other agents that are in the city and a whole bunch more of boring stuff that Spencer didn't even bother looking at.

"So what kind of trouble are we getting in to this time around" he dad said a grin creeping on his ageing face. The years of "duty" as her dad might call it, has put its toll on t his once youthful face. The bags under his eyes indicating the lack of sleep through out the past years, the fine lines on his forehead that creased in to little "sausages" as Spencer like to tease, when ever his face lit up to form a smile. That smile was so happy at times Spencer would feel happy just looking at it. But her dad rarely did smile anymore. He was still the cheerful and loving dad but he wasn't himself these past months. Well, he never is himself ever.

It bothered Spencer not knowing what was wrong with her dad. She can read people so well, to well most of the time. Her dad was one of the few that she couldn't read and it frustrated her. He was difficult, kept all of his feelings to himself. Even when Spencer lost her mother her dad would be nowhere to be seen. He'd lock himself in his room and wouldn't come out for days, it was like she was losing him as well as her mother. When she did get him back there was a piece of him missing. And now when she looks a her dad all she can see is something biting away at her father again, taking him little by little.

"Well it's not much fun if I do say so myself. We're invited to a party." Spencer finally replied.

"Party?" her father said raising a brow.

"Yeah, the French prime minister's party to be exact. We posing as the queen's ambassadors. While we're there we need to retrieve missing nuclear files stolen a few months back."

"That's all?"

"No. They also want find out what the military has been up to the past few months. And MI 6 and 7 wants any files that will be of any use to them."

"Well that's a tall order. This week will go by very slowly I presume. You know being in the business for a good 50 years, you'd think they would throw something more fun your way. Stealing files is such a tedious chore." Spencer snorted at the last part of his statement, "what's our new ID?"

Spencer flipped the next page in the file "Well my dear father you are Sir Edward Howell and I am you humble daughter Charlotte."

"So English I think I want to barf." her dad said plainly.

"Please don't." Spencer said rolling her eye as a smile crept it's way on her face, "Just keep driving"

She went back to her papers reading them over and thinking of the best way to get this mission over with.

"You know, you didn't have to come with me if you didn't wanted to. I could have call direc-"

"No. I want to come. Ever sinc-" she stop herself, the word just wouldn't come out, "I would never forgive myself if anything happen to you on a mission and I wasn't there to stop it." Spencer let out, feeling herself starting to choke up.

"I know it's been hard for you these past years kiddo," she looked up at her dad who's eyes were still glued to the road ahead, "but nothing is going to happen to me. I wont let anything happen." he let out a small smile that was practically invisible, but Spencer could see it for the first time in what felt like forever, but with it she could see all the pain behind it.

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