Ch. 1 First Day of School

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While I was waiting by the bus stop I saw two beautiful girls coming to the bus stop. One of the girls saw me and laughed and whisper something to the other girl. I couldn't really understand what she said but all I heard was "gross, look at her she is fat and she is ugly" That hurt! I don't know why she said that mean stuff about me. I mean duhhh Camila you are so ugly and fat. Worthless girl. Both the girls got closer to me and started saying mean stuff about me. I was about to say something when another girl came and stood in front of me and I thought she was going to start being mean to me like the other girls but she didn't she actually stood up for me. When she finish cursing and saying stuff back to the other girls defending me, she turn around and told me "Don't listen to them they are the sluts from the school. Anyway hii my name is Nashmary but u can call me Nash!" She  gave me a hug and I just stood there awkwardly. She asked me what ny name was and I said "Camila" then she said "ohh I like your name" Thank you, yours is really cool" i replied "Thanks" she said. While we were waiting for the bus to come I look at Nashmary and noticed she was really pretty. She had long black hair with her bangs that had a little bit of red! She was wearing a oranger top with skinny ripped jeans and black and orange Jordans. When the bus finally arrived Nash went first and motion me to go sit with her so I did. We started talking about where we come from and stuff and I found out she comes from Puerto Rico as well and she used to live really near where I used to live. I made a friend already just in the bus stop!

We arrived at school and Nash showed me to the office and I got my schedule. I showed her and saw that,we had almost every class together,except Math and Art. Well at least we had most of them together! The first bell ring,and it was time for homeroom. The first periods of the day went by fast since I had them all with Nash. It was time for lunch. I followed Nash to go get lunch and we went to sit down at one of the tables.that were in the center of the cafeteria. There was 3 girls sitting there and one boy. I went and sat down in an empty seat next to Nash. Nash started introducing me to her friends. She started with a really pretty girl that had blonde hair and blue eyes, her nsme was Caroline, then she moved to the girl sitting next to her which name was Anna there was a boy sitting next to Anna and his name was Carlos. They were holding hands so I am guessing they were dating. There was a last girl sitting in front of me she had red curly hair, she was gorgeous! Her name was Jesenia. After we said our hellos and hi, we started talking about random stuff. I was looking around the cafeteria when something caughty eye. There was a boy sitting in the table in front of the table I was sitting in and we was looking at me. He had dark hair, brown eyes, and he was soo hot. When he saw I was looking at him he smiled and turn around to his friends. I asked Nash who he was i pointed at him and she told me "that's Jason, the most popular and bad boy in the school he is also a player too and that girl sitting next to him is his girlfriend Madie, if u remember her from this morning" Of course I remember her! How can I forget.

The bell rang and i had Art nex I said bye to my new friends and went to Art. It was easy to find the art hallway since it was near the cafeteria. I went in the classroom and sat down at the back. I took my drawing notebook and started drawing a rose. I heard the teacher coming in and I put my drawig away. I look up and saw that Madie was in this class. Ughh. Sucks. When the teacher was about to start the class, Jason walked in and saw me and smirked and went to sit in the chair in front of me. The teacher started the class and I was just staring at Jason the hole time. God this guy is soo hot! Why is he soo fit! Jason turned around and started laughing. Uhh oh did I say that out loud. Mr. Wright asked Jason what was so funny and Jason just said "nothing". Then after he stop laughing he passed me a note. Omg the most popular guy just passed me a note. I read it and it said

"Lol thanks, you are really funny.(:


I read it and started laughing but not loudly. Finally Art finished and the teacher dismissed us. I had Math next. Yes. Math is my favorite class. I went to Math and sat down at the back like in all classes. I sat down and saw Jason had this class with me too. Yess I have 2 classes with him. Everyone sat down and Jason sat a few seats away from me. Mrs. Ruiz came in and I noticed she was Puerto Rican right away. Lol don't ask me how. She saw me and said to the class "Class we have a new student in our class, Ms. Cruz would you like to come up front and introduce yourself to your classmates" I nodded and said "ok" I went up front and saw everyone staring at me including Jason. I started to introduce myself "Hi my name is Camila Cruz, I'm 14 years old and I come from Puerto Rico. I like to go shopping and hang out with friends" I finished and went back to my seat while I sat down I saw Jason smiling at me so I smiled back. Class finished after a lesson of Algebra and it was finally time to go home. My brother Gabriel was supposed to be picking me up. I went to my locker and saw Nash in her locker I went to her and we walked together outside. Nash was going to come to my house and meet my mom and then she will sleepover. We saw my brother in his Black and yellow Mustang we went over and hopped in, I introduce my brother to Nash and we went home.

Hello sorry for updating late but I was really tired but here it is the 2 chapter. Hope you guys like it(: please vote or comment! 

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