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First off just wanna say a huge thanks to everyone reading, I thought it wouldve taken some time for people to view this fic but it was instant 😊😊Thank You!
Also! Huge shoutout to @22huanhelen for always leaving cute comments and being so lovable! 💕

Before I knew it, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years had flown by. The current month was February and Camila was due anyday now, although it was to be the 14th. It was nice to know the time was passing by so fast, I couldn't wait until our little gem was out.

Talking about gem, Camila's stomach had grow twice it's size and now she looked as if she had two or three watermelons in there. Oh how the time had flown by. She was even more needy as well.

She would tend to burst out crying when we watched a movie or my mom and me were talking or playing around. As well as get jealous super easily, but I could handle that. Camila looked hot when she was jealous. I always assured her I would never want anyone else. I will always stay by her side no matter what. I love her, I really do.

Which brings me to my next topic.

My mom was growing curious as to who the father of the child was and why I spent so much time with Camila. It was getting harder and harder to not tell her the truth so I decided that since it was the last month of Camila's pregnancy, to come clean to her and face the consequences.

I had asked Sofi and Dinah to take Camila shopping for the baby so I could talk alone without Camila bursting up. Since it was hard for Camila to walk around, Dinah got her a wheelchair and pushed her around.

"Mom, I need to talk to you about something." I said as I walked into the livingroom. She was sitting on the longer couch while watching the tv.

"Sure honey, about what?" She turned off the tv and motioned for me to sit down.

"Well, I was afraid to tell you this but I just can't hold it in anymore." Her face was serious and emotionless.

"Lauren, you're starting to worry me. What did you do?" Her eyes widened. Oh shit. "Michelle, did you get someone pregnant? What was her name," She snapped her fingers as if that would make her remember. "Lauren, please tell me you didn't." She was starting to get anxious so I grabbed her hands.

"Mom, a couple months ago, I went to a party and, and I got Camila pregnant." An audible gasp left my mother's pink lips. Her green eyed widened as she pulled one hand away from my own.


"And I know it happened too young. I know we may have made our futures difficult now but I'm going to stay by Camila's side the whole time just how I've been doing it these past couple of months. I love her and I'm not leaving her."


"Sorry for not telling you but I didn't want you to be disappointed in me." I felt tears forming in my eyes, that soon clouded my vision.

I don't know how my mom will react and every second that passes with her not looking at me hurts. I looked down and let a couple tears run down my face. It was so silent you could possibly hear a pin drop. I was about to get up and leave until I felt arms wrap around me and pull me into their body.

"Oh Lauren, it happened too early but," She sniffled and a small chuckle left her lips. "but I'm going to be a grandma. There's going to be a mini Jauregui running around."

Once Camila was home she was greeted by a hug from my mom. She was confused as to why that happened but later on I explained to her what happened.

I also had to explain the agreement my mom made with me. You see, she wasn't so fond of the idea of her having to support us if anything went wrong since we are responsible for what we did. So the deal was that she wasn't going to help us raise the baby, if we needed a babysitter she would be there but if we needed money she wasn't going to help us.

Lettting us stay in her house was enough but now that I work and Camila was about to give birth, I was to pay half of the bills, which to be honest, was unfair since she was one and we were two, soon three, but since she was going to go easy on us, that was the deal.

"So what are we going to do once the baby is born?" Camila asked. We were currently in our usual place.

"Well, I'm going to keep working but Ally set up my schedule for early in the morning and come back home around one or two so I can come home and help you."

"She's so nice, and she's pregnant too hu?" I answered with a small mumble.

Two months back, while we were having Thanksgiving dinner, Ally gave us news that she and her fiancé are going to be having a baby.

"I wonder why Dinah, Sofi and Normani gave us a bunch of girl and boy cloths. Aren't they supposed to know what the baby's gender is gonna be?" We never had a babyshower for Camila since she didn't want one but that didn't stop Ally, Dinah, Normani and Sofi from giving us a couple of gifts.

"You know them. They must not want us to know the gender since we said we would wait till its birth."

"I guess so. What about the cribs? What're we gonna do with three of them?" They also gave us a crib each, well except Ally she gave us a changing station.

"Well after we finish with the baby's room, we put one in there and the others, I don't know." Camila giggled. Well, we could solve that later.

The following week I was at work when Ally rushed over to me with her phone in hand a huge smile on her face.

It was time.



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