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She did not just say 'yes'. What the heck?! Am I not standing here? Am I invisible? Did she not just hear him?

I just stood there sending daggers at David as he smirked and fished out his phone.

"What is it cutie?"

"One hundred twenty-three, four thousand five hundred sixty-seven." Wait that's not her number.

123, 4567. 1234567! Oh! I see what what she did. My lips curved into a small smile as I noticed the look on his face.

"You gave me a fake number."

"Oh did I?" She bated her eyelashes innocently. "Well you might want to ask my baby what my real number is."

Baby? Me? That's me buttbrain!

"Can't have her number, put your phone away. Get back to work." I stated and he walked away, looking down, defeated. Yeah that's right, walk away.

"You didn't think I was gonna let him have a chance with me, did ya now Lo?" Now it was my turn to look down. "Whether you like it or not, you're stuck with me."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." I whispered.


One Month Later

"Lauren, Camila is pregnant. How is she pregnant? Lauren, she's four months pregnant!" My mother had found out that Camila was pregnant and she was freaking out.

I never told her anything but apparently she found out from Mrs. Cabello. Once I got home from work she stopped me from going upstairs and cuddling with my favorite person. I knew Camila was asleep since I had to help out with a catering gig Ally had which had ended around 12 A.M., and the drive home was an hour.

The job was exhausting. It was a rich people's party and they were the rich type that thought they ran the world. And they treated me like shit.

Servant get your lazy ass over here! Servant I asked for hot soup not warm! Servant, my water is not sparkling. I am not a fucking servant. And to top it off, some of them thought it was a good idea to get all touchy with me. Like, what the fuck!?

"Yes mom, she is." I took a deep breath to calm myself.

"Why didn't you tell me? Lauren, why did you lie for the reason she is staying here?" I was tired and I just wanted to shower and sleep. "You never lie to me Laur. Is there something you are hiding?" She thought for a bit and her green eyes widened.

"Lauren is that child yours?!" My mom gasped looking at me. "You got-"

"The child is not mine. I have a girlfriend and her name is Madison!" I finally bursted and walked past my mom.

She kept following me and asking about my supposed girlfriend but I ignored her and went to the guest bedroom. I was not going to sleep in my room when I knew my mother had the key to it. I didn't mean to burst on her but her constant questions and her coming to think the baby was mine, I couldn't take it.

I just wish a certain someone hadn't decided to come downstairs to greet me while it happened.


Not a Mistake * g!p Camren Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now