Part 2: Better

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You'd ended up staying in Dressrosa for longer than you'd thought. At first you'd stayed to make sure your patient, DoFlamingo, didn't over exert himself and get sick all over again. But now, after time had passed, it was fine for you to leave. DoFlamingo's body was weak, but he wasn't even contagious anymore. You could leave and he would be fine. So why didn't you?

Struggling to figure out your feelings, you were unaware of where your feet were taking you until you looked up and saw the door to DoFlamingo's bedroom. 'It couldn't hurt to just check on him...'

You pushed open the door and looked inside. DoFlamingo was sleeping, wrapped up in his coat, snoring softly. You closed the door carefully behind you and crept closer. His sunglasses were on the nightstand, and you were surprised to see him without them. 'I wonder what his eyes look like...' You shook the thought away. What did it matter what they looked like? Whether they were a bright ice blue or the color of melted dark chocolate or-

You shook your head again, resisting the urge to slap yourself. 'What's wrong with me?'  You were brought out of your thoughts by DoFlamingo's voice, and you froze, only to find that he was talking in his sleep. You moved closer, getting on your knees and resting your head on the edge of the bed. His lips were so close to yours... You shoved the thought away and struggled to make out his words. It was really only one word, more like a name.


'Corazon? What's a Corazon? Wait... Didn't he mention having a brother once?' Just as you were about to get off your knees, his eyes opened. 'Wow,' you thought. 'His eyes are blue, after all.'

DoFlamingo, confused from sleep, couldn't fully register that it was you at his bedside. As a matter of fact, the first thing his mind conjured up was the image of his dead brother. Squawking like the bird he was named for, DoFlamingo jerked back, and ended up falling off the other side of the bed.

"Doffy!" You jumped on the bed and ran/crawled to the other side, hardly even registering the fact that you'd just called him Doffy. You looked over the side to find him dazed and confused. He looked up at you, and for once his expression didn't look like a murderer's or a rapist's. He just looked perplexed.

Apparently ignoring the fact that he'd just fell of his own bed, squawking like a bird, he said, "What's a Doffy?"

You blushed furiously, now realizing you said aloud the nickname you'd been using in your head. "I just. I mean. Your name. To long. I didn't."

"Why do you always stutter like that?"

He didn't seem to actually be looking for an answer, and instead rolled over and settled down on the ground. "Don't sleep there!" You stepped down from the bed and shook his shoulder. "You'll catch cold."

"Then keep me warm." Aaand there it was. The ever-present, I'm-A-Rapist grin. But it was different without his glasses. There was something in his pale blue eyes that made you think that maybe he meant it. Blushing, more confused now than ever, you stood up and looked away.

"Fine," you said. "Get a cold, see if I care. Won't be my problem by the time it shows, anyway." DoFlamingo tipped his head.


"I came to say goodbye. I'm leaving."

Okay, where did that come form. You hadn't meant to say that! Part of you was screaming to take it back, but you couldn't just change your mind so quickly after having said it out loud. Better go now, before it gets awkward. It's not like he would even care anyway. And why should he? You were just a doctor to him. But why did that hurt so much?

"You're leaving?"

You turned to look at him, already halfway to the door. "Yes. You're fine, DoFlamingo. You're not even contagious anymore. There's no reason for me to be here."

"Izzat so?"

You nodded, reaching for the door handle. There was a rustle of feathers and suddenly you were jerked around and slammed against the door. DoFlamingo was on his knees, pinning you to the door, his blue eyes staring into yours. "(Y/N)." You shivered at the way he said your name. He was so close.

"So I can't get you sick anymore?" He spoke quietly, one hand running through your hair. Unable to speak, you just shook your head. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue? Don't worry, dear. Before I'm done, you'll be screaming my name."

You didn't even have time to react before his lips were on yours. He forced tongue into your mouth claiming you as his. No one else could touch you. He'd kill anyone who tried. Satisfied, he pulled away and picked you up, carrying you to his giant bed. "You're lucky I'm still tired." He muttered, laying you down. "Maybe you'll be able to walk tomorrow."

The next day, waking up with him, surrounded by his coat's pink feathers, you knew in your heart that you could never leave Dressrosa. Not so long as he was here.

Sick!DoFlamingo x Doctor!Reader   Trypanophobia Where stories live. Discover now