Part 1: The Shot

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"There you go," you said, placing a bandage around the little boy's arm. "You'll be fine now. Go on." You watched him totter off and turned around to address your escorts. "Okay, where are we heading?"

You were currently in the Kindgom of Dressrosa, having been called there to handle a rather important matter. The matter being that their King was sick and none of the doctors there knew what it was. And so you, a traveling doctor, was called in to help. The servants who were attempting to get you to the castle were getting more and more agitated, because you kept stopping to help people along the way.

"Leave them and come on!"

"Hurry up!"

"You can't keep the King waiting!"

'Watch me,' you thought, stopping again. Seeing as it was a King you were dealing with, you were about 100% sure that he wasn't actually on the brink of death, like these guys seemed to be trying to get you to believe, and everyone was probably majorly over-reacting. You'd get there eventually. It wasn't even noon yet, you had time.

Near sunset, you finally bothered to arrive, walking in and immediately being ushered through a confusing swirl of hallways and doors. The servants, or at least you assumed that's what they were, dropped you off at a large set of doors, nudging you forward. "This it?" Your question was met with a chorus of 'Yes!'s.

Shrugging, you pushed open the doors and stepped inside, letting them swing shut behind you. The room was big, and pink, and empty of human life. You looked around, confused. Apparently, there was supposed to be a giant sick guy in here, but nope. Nothing. There was, however, a large amount of pillows, blankets, and pink feathers piled up on the bed. "Dang." You muttered walking over toward the bed. That thing was huge. A whole family of ten could probably sleep in there, with enough room for Fido.

Then something moved. You squeaked in surprise and staggered back when the mass of pink feathers shifted. You stared open-mouthed in shock, as a man emerged, huge, with blond hair and a pink feather coat draped over his shoulders. He had turned around and propped himself up on his elbows, looking down at you with his head tipped. "What's wrong, Doctor? Surprised?"

You managed to regain some semblance of self control, and attempted to speak. "I-I just didn't expect. That you. In feathers. Big." The last words were squeaked out with fear. Everything about him was gigantic. He could probably eat you if he wanted to.

His laugh was softer than you expected, not nearly as loud as you would have thought. He fell back down to the bed with a 'whump' settling himself amidst the pillows. "Yes, I have been told that I'm taller than average. Though my brother was too, so perhaps it runs in the family." Finally snapping out of it, you picked up your doctor bag and walked slowly closer. "Come on, come on," he motioned for you to hurry. "I won't bite, I swear. Too sick for that right now." You placed one hand on his forehead. It was burning up. "Might lick you though." You ignored him. Bad mistake, seeing as he turned out to be serious. When something warm and wet ran over your cheek, you jerked back in revulsion. He licked you. He actually licked you.

His grin made it easy to believe he'd happily rape anyone and anything within his reach. Furiously wiping your cheek clean, you continued, blushing furiously. You tapped the corner of his mouth. "Open."

He obeyed, and you shined a light down his throat. "Well, that looks painful. I'm gunna poke it." And, before he could snap those jaws shut, you rammed one of those Popsicle sticks down his throat. He chocked and jerked back, coughing violently. Every time he tried to snap at you he just started coughing again.

While 'His Majesty' over there tried to get a full breath you rifled through your bag and pulled out a very, very large syringe. You could barely get you hand around the part that held the medicine. And the needle itself wasn't exactly small. This was going to hurt. Filling the syringe with the necessary fluids you started to tell him what was wrong with him, mostly out of habit.

"You've got a kind of flu that's rather common in the Drum Kingdom. However, it doesn't exist in Dressrosa, so I'm not surprised your doctors didn't think of it. It was probably brought in by a merchant or traveler who didn't know he was a carrier."

You turned around to face your patient, who was finally breathing normally. He started to say something but you beat him to it. "Fortunately it's easily fixed. Unfortunately, you're a giant. Sooo..." Without further ado, you pulled out the huge needle, tapping the stopper to make sure there were no air bubbles. DoFlamingo didn't look like he was angry anymore. Judging by his body language, he looked more... Terrified? Of what?

You looked down at the needle in your hands and grinned evilly. "Scared of needles, big boy?" You walked slowly toward the bed and he scooched backwards until his back pressed against the wall. You started to crawl towards him, needle in hand. He pressed back against the wall, hissing like a cornered animal, before actually jumping over you and staggering out the door.


You chased after him, pursuing him through the house and out the back door, where he then fled up a tree, sitting there like an overgrown bird. "Donquixote DoFlamingo, if you don't get down here this instant, I swear I'll get a bigger needle."




-three hours later-

DoFlamingo was curled up in his bed, still trembling. How could someone so powerful be scared of something like needles? You crawled up after him, settling down beside his head. 'What a strange man...' Shaking like he was, obviously terrified, you couldn't help but feel pity for him. You reached out and gently ran a hand through his short hair. He moved closer to you, half laying in your lap.

'Well,' you thought, 'Hopefully the blood can still get to my legs. What a troublesome patient...'

Sick!DoFlamingo x Doctor!Reader   Trypanophobia Where stories live. Discover now