Chapte 6

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As the week continued, I seemed to fall into a routine.

My roommate and I had very little conversation other than what time it was, if I had seen her phone and other small things. She wasn’t a rude person or anything… just someone who was quiet and kept to herself. She respected my space and my belongings so I returned the favor.

Sophia and Kim told Katelyn and I on Tuesday morning that they were going to sit with their friends. They did invite us but we politely declined. I had figured this would happen at some point.

That left Katelyn and I by ourselves, but she quickly (dragging me along with her) moved to sit with her friends from her art class. There were two guys, Ben and Anthony, and a girl named Stacy who she introduced me to. But other people sat with them including Emily, Kat and a few other dancers. I came to really like this ensemble of people more than I had initially expected.  

Katelyn proved to remain a mystery. Even as I continued reading her book and I thought I learned something about her, she would say or do things that would disprove any ounce of a theory that I had. I did still spend a large percentage of my time with her.

The classes were hard and full of work, but the only class I didn’t like was trig, and that was simply because I was not a fan of math.

Dance auditions seemed to be going pretty well. Each day was intense as we had to demonstrate more advanced form and technique. We would receive very few corrections while Ms. Cresta and Professor Landon took notes.

Last night, Mason had been nice enough to teach me some of the advanced positions that I didn’t know that we went over today in class so that I wasn’t confused. He didn’t ask me why I hadn’t learned the moves and I was truly grateful for that.

Mason was whom I spent another decent portion of my time with. He was so easy to be around and have fun with. I noticed that he would try to stay near me in dance class.

Currently, it was Thursday night and I was heading over to the arts building. Mason and I were going to practice and critique each other’s dances for the individual performances tomorrow morning.

The class had been told on Wednesday that the dance could be any style with whatever choreography we wanted to any school appropriate song. The only restrictions were that we had to be by ourselves, stay in standard uniform, and it needs to be no longer than three minutes.

I had chosen Turning Tables by Adele simply because it would show that I can do contemporary and ballet. I didn’t want to show up with some stuffy instrumental piece like I had initially thought of because I did not want to be the only person doing something like that.

My choreography was fairly simple because I did not want to add things that I was unsure of. But it was enough to demonstrate my skills. I wasn’t expecting Mason to be impressed by it.

I had with me my messenger bag that held a water bottle, keys, cell phone and a CD that had the song alone on it. The song started at the second verse so that it met the time restriction.

When I got to the studio, he was already there warming up.

“Hey,” I smiled, setting down my bag and going to join him.

“Hey, yourself.” He grinned.

Once we were warmed up, he took a drink from his own water bottle before turning back to me.

“So, who wants to go first?” he asked.

“I will.” I grabbed the CD from my bag and handed it to him to put in the player. I went to the center of the room. “My song is the only thing on there.”

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