Sana: Books

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Sana x Reader

I woke up with the sound of my phone ringing. It was my sister saying that she is coming to town for the weekend which probably means that She will stay here for the weekend, she will probably bring my niece too. She is my favourite 5 year old in this world.

I dressed up and followed my regular schedule for a friday. I went to work and when walking back home I was thinking whether I should just grab some junk food or cook something later. I decided to eat outside because I was feeling extra bored and exhausted after a busy week. I lead myself to the park just because there are a lot of shops around, maybe I could find something there.

Suprisingly everything was closed, even the park was empty. I was walking here and there trying to realise why everything is closed. I frowned and sat down on a swing while convincing myself that I have to cook when I get home. 

"It's because of the towns' elections." I heard someone saying. I turned around and saw a woman sitting on the grass while reading a book. She must have been there all the time but I didn't notice her. She gave me a smile and I was struggling to see her face because of the sun that was hitting me on the face.

"Oh..thanks for the information.." I smiled back at her.

"You are welcome." She said and continued reading her book.

I stand up and passed by her, since this was the direction to my house but I couldn't help but notice that she was reading a book from one of my favorite authors ever.

"So, do you like Stephen King?" I asked her and now I had the perfect view on her. She was cute and absolutely adorable, I wonder if she looks like that the whole time.

"This is actually the first time that I am reading a book of his so I don't have an opinion about him yet. But I can already tell that he has a unique way of writing." She answered me with a smile.

"Which one are you reading?" I leaned down to see the cover of her book. "Carrie?" She nodded.

"Horror is not really my thing, I am just reading it because a friend of mine requested it to me." She answered.

"Have you seen the movie? It's better when you have seen the movie." I said.

"Typically I have seen it if you ignore the fact that I was hiding behind of a pillow the whole time." She said and I laughed.

"It's okay, I get it, horror movies are not for everyone. He is one of my favorite authors by the way, thats why I got curious.." I said.

"Really? So you like horror and stuff.." she said.

"Definately" I nodded.

"If I could have a super power that would be the power of not being scared ever." She said and I laughed.

"But that could make you completely emotionless.. we are just the way we are for a reason, who knows what happens if we change it." I said while sitting down and crossing my legs, imitating her current position.

"Wow." She sighed.


"I think you read too many books." She said and we laughed.

We continued talking about books for almost half an hour and I completely forgot that I was hungry. After our long conversation there was a pause in between that made me remember that I have to go back to my boring life.

"I should go.." I said while standing up.

"Wait" she said and stood up to face me. I noticed that I was a bit taller which made her look even more adorable.

"My name is Sana." She said and offered me her hand for a hand shake.

I told her my name and shook her hand.

"It was nice meeting you.." she said with a serious tone on her voice. For some reason a part of me didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay and talk with her about books for hours but that might be tiring and boring for her. I know that I was supposed to be walking away now but something made me to stay and just stand awkwardly in front of her.

"Ehm..have you eaten lunch?" I asked her hoping that she won't take this the wrong way. She gave me another smile and I found myself smiling as well.

"No.. have you?" She asked.

"I was about to.. but apparently everything is closed." I sighed.

"I know a place which is not far from here, we could go if you want.. and talk about books" she said with a playful smile that was starting to killing me.

"I 'd love that." I said and she started walking, her smile never leaving her face.

All I had to do was follow her.

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