Chaeyoung: Trainee

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Chaeyoung x Reader

Being a JYP trainee is quite difficult. Not only as a trainee but also as a foreigner, things don't work out the way you'd expect them to most of the time on your everyday life. There's always worse is your go-to motivation. Debut is your biggest dream and since the first step has been made, after you got accepted to one of the biggest entertainment companies in Korea, you know that there're more steps yet to be made with a little hard work.

Among the current JYP trainees, you're the most capable on dancing. That sure does keep you going but something that doesn't, is definitely the lack of communication with anyone in the company. You haven't made any friends, you've always been distant and shy because of your Korean or just because of your introverted self. You acknowledge that this is considered as a disadvantage by the company since the point is to debut and even live under the same roof with some of these trainees, but that only makes it harder for you to finally reach to anyone.

The one thing you are confident with doing in the agency's building, is dancing. Even when idols come around on the practice rooms, you'll be first in line whether they're practicing with you or they're giving the trainees some tips. You haven't met all the JYP idols, just the ones you'd bump into or have a lesson with.

You really hate it when you wake up early because it only makes these hard days bigger, but every time you do, you decide to take advantage of it. Morning practices are always the quietest since not a lot people are on the building. In fact, there's usually none in the dancing practice rooms so you just blast whatever music you want and enjoy yourself.

This time around though, as you entered the building you could hear noises from the upper floors. You stopped curious outside of your usual practice room on the 2nd floor and glanced on the other side of the hallway where you guessed those noises were coming from. It was on the idol's area so you couldn't take a closer look but all you could see was that the door from the rap practicing room was open. Weird.

You were almost done with your warm up, it felt like 20 minutes had passed and even though you could hear some chatting right outside of the practice room, nobody had joined you yet. At least you thought so. You weren't really paying attention because you were too focused on your moves.

You stopped for a minute to grab some water when you saw somebody with the corner of your eye sitting with their legs crossed on the other side of the room right next to the door. You could tell by the silence that was revealing as you were turning down the music that it was just the two of you in the room.

The person smiled at you and all you did was blink a several times and gulp while realizing who that person was.

It was Twice's Chaeyoung, the main rapper who you never had the opportunity to meet or see before. She looked more beautiful in person which was hard for you to accept because she already looked too beautiful on screen. You greeted her while thinking that your bias list just got wrecked and she did the same.

"Isn't it a bit tiring to start your day like that?" She asked nicely.

"I didn't have anything else to" You replied awkwardly.

She was piercing you that look which was feeling heavier and heavier second by second, so you tried to break it by staring around which only made look more awkward.

"You're Y/N right? I've heard about you." She said all of a sudden and you widened your eyes.

She came closer and stood looking herself in the mirror. She started doing some stretching while you were trying to stop yourself from staring like a total idiot and answer properly.

"h-heard about.. me?" You asked not knowing what you should do or say in front of her. This whole situation was making you nervous and it was difficult to ignore.

"Of course. Whenever we talk about trainees and stuff with the member you're always in the conversation." She said while lifting her hair up to a messy bun.

You could've sworn that you were staring at this simple move with your mouth wide open and not only because you just found out that probably all the Twice members know that you exist. You shook your head and cleared your throat.

"Momo unnie talks best about you and it's hard to make an impression to her so I'm pretty sure you're talented." She then said, praising you.

"Thank you.." Is all that you said and you were pretty sure she had already noticed your nervousness. This time it wasn't your introverted self, it was nervousness and you couldn't understand why.

She then made a few more questions about you, your age, your nationality etc. which thankfully made you feel more comfortable.

You two were chatting and getting to know each other for almost an hour, almost forgetting the reason that you both were here. Chaeyoung seemed to notice that first.

"I think I ruined your practice, I should go" She said and stood up.

"What? No no..I mean- It's okay, I am here every morning lately so it doesn't really matter" You said and stood up too.

"Sounds like you're a morning person" She flashed a smile and you felt something warming your cheeks.

"Well, it's just- I can't really sleep for too many hours lately" You admitted while scratching awkwardly your head. You immediately regretted what you said though. Like that felt like it was a useless information that she probably wouldn't care about.

"Why so?" She asked curiously but you weren't sure if you should bother her with your issues.

She noticed that you were hesitant and came closer to you. You could feel your whole body tense up as she was getting closer but you tried to hide it. She gently placed her hand on your shoulder and suddenly this whole tense you were feeling seemed to fade away with her touch.

" I know that it's difficult for you since I've trained with people like you and seen their struggles but sleep and meals are the two things you shouldn't be skipping. That's the key to a successful kind of practice, otherwise it's almost meaningless and two times more tiring for you." She comforted you while looking at you with those caring puppy eyes of hers.

There was a moment of silence because you got completely lost on her words. They really spoke to you.

"Thank you..I'll try" You said softly and she nodded satisfied.

She released your shoulder and turned around as she was heading towards the door.

"I should go now, it was nice meeting you! Please take care from now one.." She cutely smiled and you smiled back at her.

"Yes, thank you it was nice meeting you too" You just said and she left.

You immediately felt like your heart just sang because you were already missing her hand or your shoulder. Or her attention on you, or the caring look on her eyes when she was looking at you....oh well.

You knew that these stuff weren't supposed to reach your mind but at this state you're completely sure that these thoughts will be there every time you see her. Afraid of what might happen if you see her around like that again, you ended up on the same conclusion for yourself. To stay distant.

A/N: find this chap on my tumblr too: htts://

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