Chapter II

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Cerebrum's tired optics spotted the metal doors ahead of them. Throughout the trip to the abandoned hangar the little femme had been unable to rest. Prowl surely hasn't caused her lack of recharge as he only asked for reassurance of direction a few times. He had even told her she could rest, urging it at one point. To put it simply, Cerebrum couldn't recharge due to her own amazement. An amazement with the warmth of Prowl's spark as it gently pulsed within his chestplate. While he remained mostly a stranger to her, Cerebrum found it comforting. Perhaps this was because such a feeling had never occurred to her specificity. Sure she had felt it through the memories of others, but this time the warmth was beside her and she could hear his spark with her own receptors. Cerebrum didn't want to drift into recharge and come online only to find that warmth gone. A notion only a youngling would make, but she could still act like that. She was a youngling afterall.
"It's in there. " Cerebrum said pointing at the doors. Prowl nodded in acknowledgement and knelt down to set her on the ground. He hooked his servos beneath her shoulders and lifted her away from him before letting Cerebrum stand on her  own. She wobbled a small bit before blinking the tiredness from her optics. She looked up at Prowl as he pushed to doors open with his servos. A task which would have taken Cerebrum much longer to complete.
Once he had a satisfactory width between the doors, Prowl stepped inside the building. The inside was sparse aside from a couple broken crates and something larger covered by a tarp. Cerebrum shuffled in beside him. "It's under tha tarp." she said now going past him. He servos reached up and grasped the covering in her digits. Once she had a good hold, Cerebrum pulled on the tarp. The material went taut and slowly revealed what lay underneath.
This ship certainly was not an intergalactic war vessel. In fact Prowl wondered if there were any advanced weaponry on board at all.
"May I see the inside, Cerebrum?" Prowl asked. When no immediate reply came ge looked away from the ship to where she had been standing. The tarp now lay in a heap instead. "Cerebrum?" Prowl called slightly louder. A muffled reply came from beneath the tarp. Prowl felt a faint smile tug at the corner of his mouthplates. He took the necessary steps to reach the pile before kneeling down beside it. After pinching some of the tarp between his digits, Prowl lifted the tarp upwards and a pair of white optics blinked up at him. "Are you in need of assistance?" Prowl asked looked down at her. Cerebrum frowned. "Ah was almost out." She said crawling out from beneath the tarp. Prowl released his grip and allowed the material to return to a heap.
Cerebrum stood and brushed tge dust off her plating.
"May I look inside?" Prowl asked again once Cerebrum looked comfortable again. The little femme nodded and trotted over to a panel anchored onto the side of the ship. Her digits pressed a series of numbers which Prowl quickly memorized: 079768

A click echoed through the hanger just before the mechanisms holding the door worked in reverse and lowered it against the ground making a ramp. Cerebrum looked up at him and smiled before turning her back to him and walking up the ramp into the ship. Prowl tested the sturdiness with his pede before following her. Cerebrum obviously had less weight than he did, so just because an object could support her didn't always mean it could support Prowl. Thankfully this ramp seemed to be able to do support them both.

Prowl's optics adjusted to the dim lighting within the ship. From a quick glance he noticed a main room branching off to two other rooms, one at each end. Prowl focused on the main room first. There seemed to be a few benches lined against the wall with two storage lockers. No doubt those were empty, but Prowl would still check them later for supplies.
He moved towards the door on his right and pressed the panel placed against the wall. This one required no code and slid away rather quickly. He saw and counted four berths, one in each corner of the room. Beside each seemed to be a life support system. Weither each one was functional would also have to be investigated at a later date.

Prowl felt something gently tap his waist and he looked down to identify the source. Cerebrum stood beside him with a raised digit. "Um...tha stuff ya looking for is over here." She said gesturing towards the other room. "Thank you for correcting me." Prowl said giving her a nod and turning away from the back room.
She followed him across the main room before activating the panel which opened the door. Like the previous, no code was needed. Prowl sent all the information he had collected through his processor. With the lack of codes on interior doors and appearance of life support systems, Prowl concluded this had been a medical transport vessel. One tasked with bringing a small amount of wounded to and from medical facilities. Not enough to fill an entire med bay, but more than a single medic could transport in their alt mode.

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