Chapter I

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His upper torso lay exposed from the rubble of the building. Based on his position, she guessed he has been facing away from the explosion. Her memories all said that helped your chances of surviving, however judging on the look of pain etched into his face she had doubts. Yet there wasn't much pain shown, so perhaps the information still held true. She didn't know if the building or blast had killed him, maybe it was both. Whichever one, she hoped it had been quick.

She knelt down beside his helm and studied it for a moment. A habit she had formed after doing this so many times. A red and white horn shaped crest rested atop his helm which was also white. In fact most of him was white mixed with black. Red and blue occasionally dotted his armor. It worked well with his faceplate, he looked strong and intelligent. His optics were black, a sign of offlinement she had learned early on. Black probably wasn't the original color though, however she could never be sure. Even when looking into their past, she hardly saw their optics unless they looked into a mirror. She paused and thought for a moment, what color were her optics. Did hers even have color? The rest of her body was certainly lacking in such.
She shook her helm. Now was not the time to get lost in thought. There were others she needed to reach including the mech laying before her. She reached out and placed her servos gently against either side of his helm. She tilted it upwards a little to give her a better angle. She relaxed her mind and leaned forward to rest her forehelm against his. With physical contact secured, she reached out with her mind for the dormant signals of his.


Prowl felt a shiver run through his processor. It brushed against his subconscious making him stir in his stasis lock. Something around him had changed. His mind always remained at an alert level for intruders. Jazz had been a great motivator for that. The saboteur had also helped him learn to detect even the faintest presence of foreign intrusion. Even in stasis lock Prowl could use this skill. He did have valuable and crucial information to the autobot case, such things needed the utmost protection.
That also brought up a serious question: who entered? A Decepticon seemed mostly likely. Megatron was a glutton for knowledge thus he probably sent either Shockwave or Soundwave to search Prowl's mind. Both mechs were of a high intelligence and would know what information would be useful. Starscream had intelligence as well, but it was common knowledge that he had a deceitful reputation.
With a fairly good idea of his invader, Prowl immediately began to comb through his subconscious. He first checked his emotional controls before proceeding to the memory files. Prowl could easily go to specific places in his mind from having it structured and well organized. It's hard to say weither he did it for his own sanity or convenience. Probably both.
Either way, he needed to be quick about his work. The intruder couldn't be allowed access to any sensitive information.
He reached the files and prepared himself to detect even the most faint of signals. No doubt Shockwave or Soundwave had some kind of mental cloacking device to shield them from his conscious mind.

Prowl froze.

There was no such device being used here, not even a mundane attempt to remain undetected. This intruder was practically holding a flag saying I am here!
Prowl spotted them standing among his files. Their servos gently brushed against them and seemed to be...copying them. Prowl was puzzled. They weren't even going through the files, in fact some files were skipped over. This was definitely not a Decepticon. It couldn't be, there was no deception or even an attempt at it. Prowl frowned and pushed his confused thoughts away. It didn't matter who this was, it mattered that they were an intruder. An intruder he needed to remove.
Prowl launched himself towards them and took a tight hold. They stiffened in his grasp and began to thrash their body around trying to gain freedom again. Prowl could sense fear pulsing through their small body. Another odd factor, this intruder wasn't even half of Prowl's size. They were probably even smaller than Jazz. Either this was just a short bot or...

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